Published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals describe the reason behind, methods, results, and implications of individual research studies.
2024 Publications
Publication Date | Article Name | Record ID | Newsletter Date | Topic | Authors | IAS Member #1 | IAS Member #1 School or Dept | IAS Member #2 | IAS Member #2 School or Dept | IAS Member #3 | IAS Member #3 School or Dept | IAS Member #4 | IAS Member #4 School or Dept | IAS Member #5 | IAS Member #5 School or Dept | IAS Member #6 | IAS Member #6 School or Dept | IAS Member #7 | IAS Member #7 School or Dept | IAS Member #8 | IAS Member #8 School or Dept | IAS Member #9 | IAS Member #9 School or Dept | IAS Member #10 | IAS Member #10 School or Dept | Altmetric Score | Date of Score | Journal | Impact Factor | Multiple Member? | Cross-School? | Authors from 2 or more schools? | Authors from 3 or more schools? | Link | DOI | Full Citation | Article Name Hyperlinked |
01/02/2024 | Comment on: “Patient Perceptions of Opioids and Benzodiazepines and Attitudes Toward Deprescribing” | 715 | 01/24/2025 | Opioids | Langford, Aili V.; Schneider, Carl R.; Reeve, Emily; Doctor, Jason N.; Gnjidic, Danijela | 8 | 01/29/2024 | Drugs & Aging | 10.1007/s40266-023-01086-6 | Comment on: “Patient Perceptions of Opioids and Benzodiazepines and Attitudes Toward Deprescribing” | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/07/2024 | A latent profile analysis of social anxiety, depression, and pregaming motives among heavy‐drinking college students | 710 | 01/24/2025 | Alcohol | Fitzke, Reagan E.; Atieh, Toni; Davis, Jordan P.; Canning, Liv; Tran, Denise D.; Buch, Keegan; Hummer, Justin F.; Pedersen, Eric R. | 46 | 01/29/2024 | Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research | 10.1111/acer.15221 | A latent profile analysis of social anxiety, depression, and pregaming motives among heavy‐drinking college students | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/08/2024 | Distress about social problems and tobacco and cannabis use outcomes among young adults in Los Angeles County | 709 | 01/24/2025 | Tobacco | Mattingly, Delvon T; Mezuk, Briana; Elliott, Michael R; Neighbors, Harold W; Leventhal, Adam M; Fleischer, Nancy L | 3 | 01/29/2024 | Preventive Medicine | 10.1016/j.ypmed.2024.107850 | Distress about social problems and tobacco and cannabis use outcomes among young adults in Los Angeles County | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/10/2024 | Access to community pharmacies based on drive time and by rurality across the contiguous United States | 707 | 01/24/2025 | Opioids | Sharareh, Nasser; Zheutlin, Alexander R; Qato, Dima M; Guadamuz, Jenny; Bress, Adam; Vos, Robert O | 01/29/2024 | Journal of the American Pharmacists Association | 10.1016/j.japh.2024.01.004 | Access to community pharmacies based on drive time and by rurality across the contiguous United States | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/12/2024 | A randomized trial looking at planning prompts to reduce opioid prescribing | 705 | 01/24/2025 | Opioids | Doctor, Jason N.; Kelley, Marcella A.; Goldstein, Noah J.; Lucas, Jonathan; Knight, Tara; Stewart, Emily P. | 103 | 01/29/2024 | Nature Communications | 10.1038/s41467-023-44573-5 | A randomized trial looking at planning prompts to reduce opioid prescribing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/13/2024 | A Comprehensive Descriptive Analysis of Out-of-Session Meditation in a Residential Treatment Setting: Duration, Frequency, and Type of Practice | 704 | 01/24/2025 | Other | Zhang, Diana; Black, David S. | 6 | 01/29/2024 | Mindfulness | 10.1007/s12671-023-02296-0 | A Comprehensive Descriptive Analysis of Out-of-Session Meditation in a Residential Treatment Setting: Duration, Frequency, and Type of Practice | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/16/2024 | Cannabis Use and Perinatal Health | 702 | 01/24/2025 | Cannabis | Ceasar, Rachel Carmen; Terplan, Mishka; Rewegan, Alex | 2 | 01/29/2024 | JAMA | 10.1001/jama.2023.23236 | Cannabis Use and Perinatal Health | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/18/2024 | Real-World Dispensing of Buprenorphine in California during Prepandemic and Pandemic Periods. | 700 | 01/24/2025 | Opioids | Wang, Yun; Chan, Alexandre; Beuttler, Richard; Fleming, Marc L; Schneberk, Todd; Nichol, Michael; Lu, Haibing | 01/29/2024 | Healthcare | 10.3390/healthcare12020241 | Real-World Dispensing of Buprenorphine in California during Prepandemic and Pandemic Periods. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/19/2024 | Types and Brands of Derived Psychoactive Cannabis Products: An Online Retail Assessment, 2023 | 699 | 01/24/2025 | Cannabis | Rossheim, Matthew E.; Tillett, Kayla K.; Vasilev, Viktor; LoParco, Cassidy R.; Berg, Carla J.; Trangenstein, Pamela J.; Yockey, R. Andrew; Sussman, Steven Y.; Siegel, Michael; Jernigan, David H. | 1 | 01/29/2024 | Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research | 10.1089/can.2023.0266 | Types and Brands of Derived Psychoactive Cannabis Products: An Online Retail Assessment, 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2024 | Effects of a nicotine warning label and vaping cessation resources on young adults’ perceptions of pro-vaping instagram influencer posts | 646 | 10/23/2025 | Tobacco | Vogel, E.A., Unger, J.B., Vassey, J. & Barrington-Trimis, J.L. | Vogel, EA | KSOM | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Addictive Behaviors | Yes | No | No | No | | Effects of a nicotine warning label and vaping cessation resources on young adults’ perceptions of pro-vaping instagram influencer posts | |||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2024 | Trajectories of body mass index and combustible and electronic cigarette use across adolescence: Findings from the PATH study | 658 | 11/23/2025 | Other | Lee, D.S., Tackett, A.P., Naya, C., Harlow, A.F., & Mason, T.B. | Harlow, AF | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Mason, TB | KSOM | Addictive Behaviors | Yes | No | No | No | | Trajectories of body mass index and combustible and electronic cigarette use across adolescence: Findings from the PATH study | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/02/2024 | Nicotine deprivation amplifies attentional bias toward racial discrimination stimuli in African American adults who smoke cigarettes. | 628 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Bello, M. S., Zhang, Y., Cho, J., Kirkpatrick, M. G., Pang, R. D., Oliver, J. A., Webb Hooper, M., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Ahluwalia, J. S., & Leventhal, A. M. | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Kirkpatrick, MG | KSOM | Pang, RD | KSOM | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | Yes | No | No | No | |
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2023 Publications
Publication Date | Article Name | Record ID | Newsletter Date | Topic | Authors | IAS Member #1 | IAS Member #1 School or Dept | IAS Member #2 | IAS Member #2 School or Dept | IAS Member #3 | IAS Member #3 School or Dept | IAS Member #4 | IAS Member #4 School or Dept | IAS Member #5 | IAS Member #5 School or Dept | IAS Member #6 | IAS Member #6 School or Dept | IAS Member #7 | IAS Member #7 School or Dept | IAS Member #8 | IAS Member #8 School or Dept | IAS Member #9 | IAS Member #9 School or Dept | IAS Member #10 | IAS Member #10 School or Dept | Altmetric Score | Date of Score | Journal | Impact Factor | Multiple Member? | Cross-School? | Authors from 2 or more schools? | Authors from 3 or more schools? | Link | DOI | Full Citation | Article Name Hyperlinked |
01/01/2023 | Social support across eating disorder diagnostic groups: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on alcohol and related conditions-III (NESARC-III). | 561 | 01/23/2025 | Opioids | Kim, S., Smith, K., Udo, T., & Mason, T. | Mason, TB | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 1 | 03/30/2023 | Eating Behaviors | Yes | Yes | No | No | | Social support across eating disorder diagnostic groups: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on alcohol and related conditions-III (NESARC-III). | |||||||||||||||||||||
01/31/2023 | Differentiating Reasons for Young Adult E-Cigarette Use Using Maximum Difference Choice Models | 564 | 02/23/2025 | Tobacco | Stone, M.D., Braymiller, J.L., Strong, D.R., Cwalina, S. N., Dimofte, C.V., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 15 | 02/14/2023 | Nicotine and Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Differentiating Reasons for Young Adult E-Cigarette Use Using Maximum Difference Choice Models | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2023 | Use of traditional smokeless, snus, and dissolvable tobacco among U.S. youth. | 541 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Dai, H. D., & Leventhal, A. M. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 03/31/2023 | American Journal of Preventive Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Use of traditional smokeless, snus, and dissolvable tobacco among U.S. youth. | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2023 | Underage e-cigarette purchasing and vaping progression among young adults. | 544 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A. F., McConnell, R. S., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/30/2023 | Journal of Adolescent Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Underage e-cigarette purchasing and vaping progression among young adults. | |||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2023 | Interactive associations between abstinence plans and romantic partner conflict and support with Cigarette Smoking. | 556 | 01/23/2025 | Tobacco | Bowdring, M. A., Loftus, P., Wang, S. D., Pang, R. D., & Kirkpatrick, M. G. | Pang, RD | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | 3 | 03/30/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | No | No | No | | Interactive associations between abstinence plans and romantic partner conflict and support with Cigarette Smoking. | |||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2023 | Willingness to use commercial nicotine gums, lozenges, and Gummies among Nontobacco using adolescents in Southern California. | 563 | 01/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tackett, A. P., Wong, M., Cho, J., Harlow, A. F., Vogel, E. A., Han, D.-H., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., McConnell, R., Budney, A. J., Audrain-McGovern, J. E., Lerman, C., Monterosso, J., & Leventhal, A. M. | Tackett, AP | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Wong, M | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Han, DH | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Lerman, C | KSOM | Monterosso, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 02/14/2023 | Journal of Adolescent Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Willingness to use commercial nicotine gums, lozenges, and Gummies among Nontobacco using adolescents in Southern California. | |||||
02/01/2023 | High Spirits? Exploring “Halloweekend” Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Heavy-Drinking College Students | 565 | 02/23/2025 | Poly | Fitzke, R. E., Tran, D. D., Hummer, J. F., Davis, J. P., Prince, M. A., Prindle, J. J., Lee, D. S., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | KSOM | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | Yes | No | No | No | | High Spirits? Exploring “Halloweekend” Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Heavy-Drinking College Students | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2023 | Cartoon marketing exposure decreases perceived risks of e-cigarette use in adolescents | 569 | 02/23/2025 | Tobacco | Kirkpatrick, M. G., Dormanesh, A., Unger, J. B. & Allem, J.-P. | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Allem, JP | KSOM | 5 | 03/30/2023 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | Yes | No | No | No | | Cartoon marketing exposure decreases perceived risks of e-cigarette use in adolescents | |||||||||||||||||
02/06/2023 | The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use Trajectories and the Moderating Role of Social Support | 567 | 02/23/2025 | Poly | Rogers, C.J., Forster, M.,Sussman, S., Steinberg, J., Barrington-Trimis, J.L., Grigsby, T.J., & Unger, J.B. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 03/30/2023 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Yes | No | No | No | | The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use Trajectories and the Moderating Role of Social Support | |||||||||||||||||
02/08/2023 | Gene–environment interplay linking perceived parental supervision and peer drunkenness with Chinese adolescent alcohol initiation | 568 | 02/23/2025 | Alcohol | Zheng, Y., Meyer, Z., Unger, J. B., & Rijsdijk, F. | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/30/2023 | Child Development | No | No | No | No | | Gene–environment interplay linking perceived parental supervision and peer drunkenness with Chinese adolescent alcohol initiation | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/15/2023 | Influence of CYP2A6 genetic variation, nicotine dependence severity, and treatment on smoking cessation success | 571 | 02/23/2025 | Tobacco | Chenoweth, M. J., Lerman, C., Knight, J., & Tyndale, R. F. | Lerman, C | KSOM | 6 | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Influence of CYP2A6 genetic variation, nicotine dependence severity, and treatment on smoking cessation success | ||||||||||||||||||||||
02/17/2023 | Emotion regulation expectancies and smoking cessation factors: a daily diary study of California adults who smoke cigarettes during a practice quit attempt | 570 | 02/23/2025 | Tobacco | Pang, R.D., Wang, S. D., Tucker, C. J., Zadoorian L., Weinberger A. H., D'Orazio, L., & Kirkpatrick, M. G. | Pang, RD | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | 3 | 03/30/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | No | No | No | | Emotion regulation expectancies and smoking cessation factors: a daily diary study of California adults who smoke cigarettes during a practice quit attempt | |||||||||||||||||||
02/18/2023 | Regular Cannabis Use During the First Year of the Pandemic: Studying Trajectories Rather Than Prevalence | 572 | 02/23/2025 | Cannabis | Lee, J. O., Lee, W.J., Kritikos, A. F., Jin, H., Leventhal, A. M., Pedersen E. R., Cho, J., Davis, J. P., Kapteyn, A., Wilson, J. P., & Pacula, R. L. | Lee, JO | KSOM | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 6 | 03/30/2023 | American Journal of Preventive Medicine | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Regular Cannabis Use During the First Year of the Pandemic: Studying Trajectories Rather Than Prevalence | |||||||||||
02/26/2023 | Alcohol use and life stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study of young adults | 576 | 03/23/2025 | Alcohol | Cho, J., Sussman, S., Kechter, A., Vogel, E.A., Barrington-Trimis, J.L., Unger, J.B., & Leventhal, A | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Vogel, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 03/22/2023 | Journal of Substance Use | Yes | No | No | No | | Alcohol use and life stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study of young adults | |||||||||||
02/28/2023 | How do contextual factors influence naloxone distribution from syringe service programs in the USA: a cross-sectional study | 575 | 03/23/2025 | Naloxone | Lambdin, B.H., Wenger, L., Bluthenthal, R., Bartholomew T., Tookes, H., LaKosky, P., O'Neill, S., & Kral, A.H. | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | 6 | 03/27/2023 | Harm Reduction Journal | No | No | No | No | | How do contextual factors influence naloxone distribution from syringe service programs in the USA: a cross-sectional study | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/01/2023 | Intercostal nerve cryoablation is associated with reduced opioid use in pediatric oncology patients. | 539 | 12/22/2025 | Opioids | Chen, S. Y., Mack, S. J., Stein, J. E., Kelley-Quon, L. I., & Kim, E. S. | Kelley-Quon, L | KSOM | 8 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Surgical Research | No | No | No | No | | Intercostal nerve cryoablation is associated with reduced opioid use in pediatric oncology patients. | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/01/2023 | Motivational and self-regulatory processes associated with weight-related parenting behaviors. | 557 | 01/23/2025 | Other | Do, B., Lopez, N. V., Dunton, G. F., & Mason, T. B. | Mason, TB | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 2 | 03/30/2023 | Obesity Pillars | No | No | No | No | | Motivational and self-regulatory processes associated with weight-related parenting behaviors. | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/02/2023 | A National Portrait of Public Attitudes toward Opioid Use in the US: A Latent Class Analysis | 582 | 03/23/2025 | Opioids | Walters, S.M., Liu, W., Lamuda, P., Huh, J., Brewer, R., Johnson, O., Bluthenthal, R.N., Taylor, B., & Schneider, J.A. | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | 4 | 03/27/2023 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | No | No | No | No | | A National Portrait of Public Attitudes toward Opioid Use in the US: A Latent Class Analysis | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/03/2023 | Associations of alternative cannabis product use and poly-use with subsequent illicit drug use initiation during adolescence | 581 | 03/23/2025 | Poly | Braymiller, J.L., Riehm, K.E., Meier, M., Krueger, E.A., Unger, J.B., Barrington-Trimis, J.L., Cho, J., Lanza, H.I., Madden, D. R., Kechter, A., & Leventhal A. | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 14 | 03/24/2023 | Pyschopharmacology | Yes | No | No | No | | Associations of alternative cannabis product use and poly-use with subsequent illicit drug use initiation during adolescence | |||||||||||||||
03/06/2023 | Adverse Childhood Experiences, Acculturation, and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Hispanic Young Adults: Findings from Project RED | 574 | 03/23/2025 | Other | Rahman, T., Rogers, C. J., Albers, L. D., Forster, M., & Unger, J. B. | Unger, JB | KSOM | 3 | 03/27/2023 | The Journal of Sex Research | No | No | No | No | | Adverse Childhood Experiences, Acculturation, and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Hispanic Young Adults: Findings from Project RED | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/10/2023 | Playtime: vaping devices designed as cartoons and toys may appeal to kids | 592 | 04/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tatum, Z., Leventhal, A., & Wipfli, H. L. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Wipfli, H | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 12 | Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | | Playtime: vaping devices designed as cartoons and toys may appeal to kids | ||||||||||||||||||||
03/14/2023 | Physical Exercise to Redynamize Interoception in Substance use Disorders | 580 | 03/23/2025 | SUD | Brevers, D., Billieux, J., de Timary, P., Desmedt, O., Maurage, P., Perales, J. C., Suárez-Suárez, S., & Bechara, A. | Bechara, A | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | 1 | 03/27/2023 | Current Neuropharmacology | No | No | No | No | | Physical Exercise to Redynamize Interoception in Substance use Disorders | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/16/2023 | E-cigarette Device Type, Source, and Use Behaviors of Youth and Young Adults: Findings from the Truth Longitudinal Cohort (2020–2021) | 578 | 03/23/2025 | Tobacco | Do, E., Aarvig, K., Donovan, EM., Barrington-Trimis, JL., Vallone, D., & Hair, EC | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 0 | 03/24/2023 | Substance Use and Misuse | No | No | No | No | | E-cigarette Device Type, Source, and Use Behaviors of Youth and Young Adults: Findings from the Truth Longitudinal Cohort (2020–2021) | |||||||||||||||||||||
03/16/2023 | E-cigarette Device Type, Source, and Use Behaviors of Youth and Young Adults: Findings from the Truth Longitudinal Cohort (2020–2021) | 587 | 03/23/2025 | Tobacco | Do, E. K., Aarvig, K., Donovan, E. M., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Vallone, D. M., & Hair, E. C. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 2 | Substance Use and Misuse | No | No | No | No | | E-cigarette Device Type, Source, and Use Behaviors of Youth and Young Adults: Findings from the Truth Longitudinal Cohort (2020–2021) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/20/2023 | Implementation planning for equitable tobacco treatment services: a mixed methods assessment of contextual facilitators and barriers in a large comprehensive cancer center | 585 | 03/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tsui, J., Sloan, K., Sheth, R., Boisvert, E. E., Nieva, J., Kim, A., Pang, R. D., Sussman, S., & Kirkpatrick, M. | Pang, R. D. | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Kirkpatrick, M | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Translational Behavioral Medicine | Yes | No | No | No | | Implementation planning for equitable tobacco treatment services: a mixed methods assessment of contextual facilitators and barriers in a large comprehensive cancer center | |||||||||||||||||||
03/23/2023 | Appeal of E-Cigarette Flavors: Differences between Never and Ever Use of Combustible Cigarettes | 583 | 03/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tackett, A. P., Dai, H. D., Han, D. H., Vogel, E. A., Coreas, S. I., Jafarzadeh, N., Gonzalez Anaya, M. J., Patel, D., Peraza, N., Mason, T. B., & Leventhal A. M. | Han, D. H. | KSOM | Mason, T. B. | KSOM | Leventhal, A. M. | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 5 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | No | No | No | | Appeal of E-Cigarette Flavors: Differences between Never and Ever Use of Combustible Cigarettes | ||||||||||||||||||
03/23/2023 | Facets of impulsivity and reward in relation to binge-eating disorder course of illness among children: findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study | 584 | 03/23/2025 | Other | Smith, K. E., Wang, W., & Mason, T. B. | Smith, K. E. | KSOM | Mason, T. B. | KSOM | 1 | Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry | Yes | No | No | No | | Facets of impulsivity and reward in relation to binge-eating disorder course of illness among children: findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study | ||||||||||||||||||||
03/23/2023 | Changes in the Point-of-Sale Among Vape Shops in 6 US Metropolitan Areas Over Time, 2018-2021 | 586 | 03/23/2025 | Other | Berg, C. J., Romm, K. F., Barker, D. C., Schleicher, N., Johnson, T. O., Wang, Y., Susssman, S., & Henriksen, L. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Changes in the Point-of-Sale Among Vape Shops in 6 US Metropolitan Areas Over Time, 2018-2021 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/29/2023 | Interrupted Time Series Analysis: Patient Characteristics and Rates of Opioid-Use-Disorder-Related Emergency Department Visits in the Los Angeles County Public Hospital System during COVID-19 | 593 | 04/23/2025 | Opioids | Johnson, E., Axeen, S., Vosooghi, A., Lam, C.N., Bluthenthal, R., & Schneberk, T. | Axeen, S | KSOM | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | Schneberk, T | KSOM | 4 | Healthcare | Yes | No | No | No | | Interrupted Time Series Analysis: Patient Characteristics and Rates of Opioid-Use-Disorder-Related Emergency Department Visits in the Los Angeles County Public Hospital System during COVID-19 | ||||||||||||||||||
03/30/2023 | Racial, Ethnic, and Education Differences in Age of Smoking Initiation Among Young Adults in the United States, 2002 to 2019 | 588 | 04/23/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A. F., McConnell, R., Leventhal, A.M., Goodwin, R. D., Barrington-Trimis, J.L. | Harlow, A. F | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A. M | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | 236 | Substance Use and Addiction | Yes | No | No | No | | Racial, Ethnic, and Education Differences in Age of Smoking Initiation Among Young Adults in the United States, 2002 to 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2023 | Evaluation of an integrated personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity and PTSD symptoms: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial | 566 | 02/23/2025 | Alcohol | Lebeaut, A., Pedersen, E.R., Francis, D. J., Zvolensky, M. J., & Vujanovic, A. A. | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 03/30/2023 | Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications | No | No | No | No | | Evaluation of an integrated personalized feedback intervention for hazardous drinkers with elevated anxiety sensitivity and PTSD symptoms: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial | |||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2023 | Perceived negative political climate among Hispanic/Latino adolescents before and after the 2020 U.S. presidential election: Associations with internalizing symptoms and substance use | 579 | 03/23/2025 | SUD | Montero-Zamora, P., Vos, S., Unger, J. B., Zeledon, I., Lee, R., Soto, D. W., Brown, E. C., Duque, M., Garcia, M. F., Scaramutti, C., Ertanir, B., & Schwartz, S. | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 03/27/2023 | International Journal of Intercultural Relations | No | No | No | No | | Perceived negative political climate among Hispanic/Latino adolescents before and after the 2020 U.S. presidential election: Associations with internalizing symptoms and substance use | |||||||||||||||||||||
04/05/2023 | Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: A Call for National Standards of Best Practices to Monitor and Bridge Disparities in Access and Outcomes | 589 | 04/23/2025 | Alcohol | Lee, B. P., & Terrault, N. A. | Lee, B. P. | KSOM | Terrault, N. A | KSOM | 4 | American Journal of Transplantation | Yes | No | No | No | | Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: A Call for National Standards of Best Practices to Monitor and Bridge Disparities in Access and Outcomes | ||||||||||||||||||||
04/10/2023 | Population-Level Health Effects of Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Who Inject Drugs in US Cities | 590 | 04/23/2025 | Other | Barocas J.A., Nall S.K., Axelrath S., Pladsen, C., Boyer, A., Kral, A. H., Meehan, A. A., Savinkina, A., Peery, D., Bien, M., Agnew-Brune, C., Goldshear, J., Chiang, J., Linas, B. P., Gonsalves, G., Bluenthenthal, R., & Mosites, E. | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | 1.379 | JAMA | No | No | No | No | | Population-Level Health Effects of Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Who Inject Drugs in US Cities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/17/2023 | Preliminary development of the protective behavioral strategies for vaping scale | 594 | 04/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tran, D. D., Prince, M. A., Fitzke, R. E., Ring, C., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., & Pedersen, E. | Tran, D | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 2 | Addictive Behaviors | Yes | No | No | No | | Preliminary development of the protective behavioral strategies for vaping scale | ||||||||||||||||||
04/24/2023 | The separate and joint effects of recent interpersonal abuse and cannabis use on psychotic experiences: findings from students in higher education in the United States. | 595 | 04/23/2025 | Cannabis | Oh, H., Du, J., Karcher, N. R., Ven, El., DeVylder, J. E., Smith, L., & Koyanagi, A | Oh, H | KSOM | 8 | 05/02/2023 | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemic | No | No | No | No | | The separate and joint effects of recent interpersonal abuse and cannabis use on psychotic experiences: findings from students in higher education in the United States. | |||||||||||||||||||||
04/25/2023 | Characterizing different-flavored e-cigarette solutions from user-reported sensory attributes and appeal | 432 | 05/22/2025 | Tobacco | Anderson, M. K., Whitted, L., Mason, T. B., Pang, R. D., Tackett, A. P., & Leventhal, A. M. | Mason, TB | Pang, RD | Tackett, A | Leventhal, AM | 4 | 11/16/2022 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | 3.492,00 | Yes | No | | Characterizing different-flavored e-cigarette solutions from user-reported sensory attributes and appeal | ||||||||||||||||||||
04/29/2023 | Bayesian regularization to predict neuropsychiatric adverse events in smoking cessation with pharmacotherapy | 596 | 04/23/2025 | Tobacco | Truong, V., Green, C., Pedroza, C., Hwang, L., Rajan, S. S., Suchting, R., Cinciripini, P., Tyndale, R. F., & Lerman, C | Lerman, C | KSOM | 1 | 05/06/2023 | BMC Medical Research Methodology | No | No | No | No | Bayesian regularization to predict neuropsychiatric adverse events in smoking cessation with pharmacotherapy | ||||||||||||||||||||||
05/05/2023 | Effects of dual use of e-cigarette and cannabis during adolescence on cigarette use in young adulthood | 598 | 05/23/2025 | Poly | Islam, T., Eckel, S., Liu, F., Barrington-Trimis, J., Harlow, A.F., Benowitz, N., Leventhal, A. M., McConnell, R., Cho, J., | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Harlow, AF | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 05/16/2023 | BMJ Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | | Effects of dual use of e-cigarette and cannabis during adolescence on cigarette use in young adulthood | |||||||||||||||
05/09/2023 | National Trends in Alcohol Use, Metabolic Syndrome, and Liver Disease From 1999 to 2018 | 599 | 05/23/2025 | Alcohol | Lee, B. P., Dodge, J. L., Mack, W. J., Leventhal, A. M., Terrault, N. A. | 308 | 05/16/2023 | Annals of Internal Medicine | Yes | No | No | No | | National Trends in Alcohol Use, Metabolic Syndrome, and Liver Disease From 1999 to 2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/19/2023 | Bringing Lived Experience to Research on Health and Homelessness: Perspectives of Researchers and Lived Experience Partners | 600 | 05/23/2025 | Other | Padwa, H., Henwood, B.F., Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Tran-Smith, B., Darby, A., Bluthenthal, R., Chinchilla, M., Diaz Vickery, K., Kuhn, R., Lawton, A., Fenderson, E., Galarza, E., Haynes, A., King, D., Martiniuk, E., Marshall, P., Mendoza, S., Patton, T., Shaw, S., Stevens R. & Gelberg. L. | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | 6 | 05/23/2023 | Community Mental Health Journal | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
06/01/2023 | Development of a mobile mindfulness smartphone app for post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use problems for veterans: Beta test results and study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial | 591 | 04/23/2025 | Alcohol | Davis, J.P., Pedersen, E.R., Borsari, B., Bowen, S., Owen, J., Sedano, A., Fitzke, R., Delacruz, J., Tran, D. D., Buch, K., Saba, S., Canning, L., Bunyi, J. | Davis, JP | KSOM | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tran, D | KSOM | 6 | Contemporary Clinical Trials | Yes | No | No | No | | Development of a mobile mindfulness smartphone app for post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol use problems for veterans: Beta test results and study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial | ||||||||||||||||||
06/01/2023 | Policy-relevant differences between secondhand and thirdhand smoke: strengthening protections from involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke pollutants | 601 | 06/23/2025 | Tobacco | Matt ,G. E., Greiner, L., Record, R. A., Wipfli, H., Long, J., Dodder, N.G., Hoh, E., Lopez Galvez, N., Novotny, T. E., Quintana, P.J.E., Destaillats,H., Tang, X., Snijders, A.M., Mao, J., Hang, B., Schick, S., Jacob, P., Talbot, P., Mahabee-Gittens, E.M., Merianos, A. L., Northrup, T. F., Gundel, L., & Benowitz, N. L. | Wipfli, H | KSOM | BMJ Tobacco Control | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
06/08/2023 | Medical marijuana access and prolonged opioid use among adolescents and young adults | 602 | 06/23/2025 | Opioids | Kim K, Pacula R.L., Dick A.W., Stein B.D., Druss B.G., Agbese E., Cohrs A.C., & Leslie D.L. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 2 | The American Journal on Addictions | | Medical marijuana access and prolonged opioid use among adolescents and young adults | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06/19/2023 | Ecological momentary assessment of mood regulation eating expectancies in eating disorders: Convergent and predictive validity. | 603 | 06/23/2025 | Other | Mason, T.B, Crosby, R.D., Engel,S.B, Morales, J.C., Wonderlich, S.A. | Mason, TB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 0 | 06/30/2023 | | Ecological momentary assessment of mood regulation eating expectancies in eating disorders: Convergent and predictive validity. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
06/20/2023 | Impact of Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Opioid Prescribing and Opioid-Related Hospital Visits in Colorado: an Observational Study | 604 | 06/23/2025 | Opioids | Buttorff, C., Wang, G.S., Wilks, A., Tung, G., Kress, A., Schwam, D. & Pacula, R. L. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 7 | 06/29/2023 | Journal of General Internal Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Impact of Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Opioid Prescribing and Opioid-Related Hospital Visits in Colorado: an Observational Study | |||||||||||||||||||||
06/22/2023 | Opioid and Methadone Use for Infants With Surgically Treated Necrotizing Enterocolitis | 605 | 06/23/2025 | Opioids | Keane, O.A., Zamora, A.K., Ourshalimian, S., Mahdi, E.M., Song, A.Y., Kim, E., Lakshmanan, A., Kim, E.S. & Kelley-Quon, L.I. | Kelley-Quon, L.I. | KSOM | JAMA Pediatrics | No | No | No | No | | Opioid and Methadone Use for Infants With Surgically Treated Necrotizing Enterocolitis | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/01/2023 | Childhood adversity and developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis co-use | 597 | 05/23/2025 | Poly | Davis, J. P., Pedersen, E. R., Tucker, J., Dunbar, M., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., D'Amico E. J. | Davis, JP | KSOM | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Dunbar, M | KSOM | D'Amico, EJ | KSOM | 0 | Child Abuse & Neglect | Yes | No | No | No | Childhood adversity and developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis co-use | |||||||||||||||||
07/01/2023 | Implementation of medication for opioid use disorder treatment in Indian health clinics in California: A qualitative evaluation | 606 | 06/23/2025 | Opioids | Soto, C., Miller, K., Moerner, L., Nguyen, V. & Ramos, G. G. | Soto, C | KSOM | Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment | No | No | No | No | | Implementation of medication for opioid use disorder treatment in Indian health clinics in California: A qualitative evaluation | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/01/2023 | Clinical practice guideline for deprescribing opioid analgesics: summary of recommendations | 613 | 07/23/2025 | Opioids | Langford, A.V., Lin, C.C., Bero, L., Blyth, F.M., Doctor, J., Holliday, S., Jeon, Y., Moullin, J., Murnion, B., Nielsen, S., Osman, R., Penm, J., Reeve, E., Reid, S., Wale, J., Schneider, C.R., Gnjidic, D. | Doctor, J | KSOM | Medical Journal of Australia | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
07/03/2023 | Parametric and Non-Parametric Estimation of a Random Diffusion Equation-Based Population Model for Deconvolving Blood/Breath Alcohol Concentration from Transdermal Alcohol Biosensor Data with Uncertainty Quantification | 615 | 07/23/2025 | Alcohol | Allayioti, M., Oszkinat, C., Saldich, E., Goldstein, L., Luczak, S.E., Wang, C. & Rosen, I.G. | Luczak, SE | KSOM | 2023 American Control Conference (ACC) | No | No | Yes | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
07/04/2023 | Pain Trajectories among U.S. Veterans during COVID-19 | 608 | 07/23/2025 | Other | Saba, S. K., Davis, J. P., Bricker, J. B., Christie, N. C., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | The Journal of Pain | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Pain Trajectories among U.S. Veterans during COVID-19 | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/05/2023 | E-cigarette weight and appetite control beliefs and e-cigarette initiation in young adults. | 607 | 06/23/2025 | Tobacco | Kechter, A., Wong, M., Mason, T. B., Tackett, A. P., Smith, C. E., Leventhal, A. M., Dunton, G. F., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Mason, TB | KSOM | Leventhal, AM | KSOM | Barrington-Trimis, JL | KSOM | Health Psychology | No | No | No | No | | E-cigarette weight and appetite control beliefs and e-cigarette initiation in young adults. | |||||||||||||||||||
07/05/2023 | Narcotics Anonymous attendees’ perceptions and experiences of substitute behaviors in the Western Cape, South Africa | 614 | 07/23/2025 | Other | Sinclair, D.L., Sussman, S., Savahl, S., Florence, M., Vanderplasschen, W. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 2 | 11/09/2023 | Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
07/11/2023 | Sweet Taste Preference is Associated with Greater Hypothalamic Response to Glucose and Longitudinal Weight Gain | 611 | 07/23/2025 | Other | Yunker, A.G., Chakravartti, S.P., Kullmann, S., Veit, R., Angelo, B., Jann, K., Monterosso, J.R. & Page, K.A. | Monterosso, J | KSOM | Physiology & Behavior | No | Yes | Yes | No | | Sweet Taste Preference is Associated with Greater Hypothalamic Response to Glucose and Longitudinal Weight Gain | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/13/2023 | Should Tobacco-Related Marketing on Social Media Have Stronger Restrictions? Commentary | 610 | 07/23/2025 | Tobacco | Vassey, J. & Unger, J.B | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Substance Use and Misuse | No | No | No | No | | Should Tobacco-Related Marketing on Social Media Have Stronger Restrictions? Commentary | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/13/2023 | Enhanced decision-making in nicotine dependent individuals who abstain: A computational analysis using Hierarchical Drift Diffusion Modeling | 612 | 07/23/2025 | Tobacco | Biernacki, K., Molokotos, E., Han, C., Dillon, D., Leventhal, A.M. & Janes, A. | Leventhal, AM | KSOM | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Enhanced decision-making in nicotine dependent individuals who abstain: A computational analysis using Hierarchical Drift Diffusion Modeling | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/17/2023 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline for Prescribing Opioids, 2022—Need for Integrating Dosing Benchmarks With Shared Decision-Making | 616 | 07/23/2025 | Opioids | Sullivan, M.D., Linder, J.A. & Doctor, J.N. | Doctor, JN | KSOM | 22 | 11/09/2023 | JAMA Internal Medicine | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
07/19/2023 | Identifying Cigarette Smoking Trajectories from Homelessness to Housing | 620 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Harris, T., Semborski, S., Unger, J., Chou, C.P., & Wenzel, S. | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 08/19/2023 | International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction | No | No | No | No | | Identifying Cigarette Smoking Trajectories from Homelessness to Housing | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/20/2023 | Proliferation of ‘non-menthol’ cigarettes amid a state-wide flavour ban | 623 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Meza, L.R., Galimov, A., Sussman, S., Goniewicz, M.L., Page, M.K. & Leventhal, A | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | | Proliferation of ‘non-menthol’ cigarettes amid a state-wide flavour ban | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/26/2023 | Sexual and Gender Identity Disparities in Nicotine and Tobacco Use Susceptibility and Prevalence: Disaggregating Emerging Identities Among Adolescents From California, USA | 617 | 07/23/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A.F., Liu, F., Young, L.E., Coreas, S.I., Rahman, T., Unger, J.B., Leventhal, A.M., Barrington-Trimis, J.L. & Krueger, E.A. | Harlow, AF | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Young, LE | KSOM | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | KSOM | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | No | Yes | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||
07/27/2023 | Still ‘Cool’: tobacco industry responds to state-wide menthol ban with synthetic coolants | 622 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Page, M.K., Paul, E. E., Leigh, N.J., Meza, L.R., Galimov, A., Sussman, S., Leventhal, A., O'Conner, R. J., & Goniewiscz, M.L. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | | Still ‘Cool’: tobacco industry responds to state-wide menthol ban with synthetic coolants | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2023 | Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: The role of social context | 573 | 03/23/2025 | Alcohol | Caumiant, E. P., Fairbairn, C. E., Bresin, K., Rosen, G., Luczak, S. E., & Kang, D | Luczak, S | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | 2 | 03/30/2023 | Addictive Behaviors | No | No | No | No | | Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: The role of social context | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2023 | Associations between trauma-related guilt, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, and problematic alcohol use | 621 | 08/23/2025 | Alcohol | Davis, J.P., Canning, L., Saba, S. K., Bravo, A. J., Amone-P'Olak, K., Sedano, A., Tran, D., Castro, C., & Pedersen, E. R | Davis, JP | KSOM | Tran, D | KSOM | Pedersen, E. R. | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pyschiatry Research | No | No | No | No | | Associations between trauma-related guilt, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, and problematic alcohol use | |||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2023 | Unpacking disparities in substance-related outcomes among racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minoritized groups during adolescence and emerging adulthood. | 626 | 08/23/2025 | Other | D'Amico, E. J., Tucker, J. S., Dunbar, M. S., Perez, L., Siconolfi, D., Davis, J. P., Pedersen, E. R., & Rodriguez, A. | D'Amico, EJ | KSOM | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||
08/15/2023 | Prospective study of e-cigarette use and respiratory symptoms in adolescents and young adults | 619 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tackett, AP., Urman, R., Barrington-Trimis, J., Liu, F., Hong, H., Pentz, MA., Islam, T. S., Eckel, S. P., Rebuli, M., Leventhal, A., Samet, JM., Berhane, K., & McConnell, R | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pentz, MA | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Thorax | Yes | No | No | No | | Prospective study of e-cigarette use and respiratory symptoms in adolescents and young adults | |||||||||||||||||||
08/16/2023 | Association of self-reported use of cannabis for the purpose of improving physical, mental, and sleep health with problematic cannabis use risk | 618 | 08/23/2025 | Cannabis | Jacobs, W., Merianos, A. L., Quinn, P., Barrington-Trimis, J., & Leventhal, A. M. | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 08/19/2023 | BMC Public Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Association of self-reported use of cannabis for the purpose of improving physical, mental, and sleep health with problematic cannabis use risk | |||||||||||||||||||
08/23/2023 | Dihydromyricetin supplementation improves ethanol-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation | 627 | 08/23/2025 | Other | Janilkarn-Urena I, Idrissova A, Zhang M, VanDreal M, Sanghavi N, Skinner SG, Cheng S, Zhang Z, Watanabe J, Asatryan L, Cadenas E and Davies DL | Davies, DL | School of Pharmacy | 1 | 11/09/2023 | Frontiers in Nutrition | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
08/24/2023 | The interaction of e-cigarette use and mental health symptoms on risk of cigarette smoking initiation among young adults in the United States. | 630 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow A.F., Han D.H., Eckel S.P., McConnell R., Leventhal A.M., Barrington-Trimis J.L. | Harlow, AF | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Han, DH | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 6 | 11/09/2023 | Europe PMC | Yes | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||
08/24/2023 | The interaction of e-cigarette use and mental health symptoms on risk of cigarette smoking initiation among young adults in the United States. | 637 | 09/23/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow A.F., Han D.H., Eckel S.P., McConnell R., Leventhal A.M., & Barrington-Trimis J.L. | Harlow, AF | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Han, DH | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Addiction | Yes | No | No | No | | The interaction of e-cigarette use and mental health symptoms on risk of cigarette smoking initiation among young adults in the United States. | |||||||||||||||||
08/29/2023 | Monitoring website marketing among leading e-cigarette brands and vendors in California: content analysis | 639 | 09/23/2025 | Tobacco | Donaldson S.I., Beard, T., Dormanesh, A., Perez, C, Escobedo, P., Unger, J.B., Wipfli, H.L., Galimov, A. & Allem, J.P. | Unger, JB | KSOM | Wipfli, HL | KSOM | Allem, JP | KSOM | 12 | 11/09/2023 | Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||
09/02/2023 | Availability of telehealth-based services at syringe services programs under the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency | 638 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Bartholomew, T.S., Tookes, H.E., Chueng, T.A., Bluthenthal, R.N., Wenger, L.D., Kral, A.H. & Lambdin, B.H. | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 19 | 11/09/2023 | Harm Reduction Journal | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
09/07/2023 | Moral Injury is a Risk Factor for Substance Use and Suicidality Among US Military Veterans with and without Traumatic Brain Injurys | 636 | 09/23/2025 | SUD | McDaniel, J.T., Redner, R., Jayawardene, W., Haun, J., Clapp, J., Che, D., Renzaglia, K. & Abou-Jabal, D. | Clapp, J | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Journal of Religion and Health | No | No | No | No | | Moral Injury is a Risk Factor for Substance Use and Suicidality Among US Military Veterans with and without Traumatic Brain Injurys | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/10/2023 | Brain and cortisol responses to smoking cues are linked in tobacco-smoking individuals | 645 | 09/23/2025 | Tobacco | Wanger, T.J.; B.M, F.; Ashare, R.; Loughead, J.; Lukas, S.; Lerman, C.; Janes, A.C | Lerman, C | KSOM | Addiction Biology - Wiley | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
09/12/2023 | Real-world dispensing of buprenorphine in California during prepandemic and pandemic periods | 635 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Wang, Y., Chan, A., Beuttler, R., Schneberk, T., & Nichol, M. | Schneberk, T | KSOM | No | No | No | No | | Real-world dispensing of buprenorphine in California during prepandemic and pandemic periods | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
09/12/2023 | Sociodemographic and Behavioral Risk Correlates of PrEP Interest and Use Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles | 640 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Storholm, E.D., Klein, D.J., Pedersen, E.R., D'Amico, E.J., Rodriguez, A., Garvey, R. & Tucker, J.S. | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | D'Amico, EJ | KSOM | AIDS and Behavior | Yes | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
09/15/2023 | America's Opioid Ecosystem: How Leveraging System Interactions Can Help Curb Addiction, Overdose, and Other Harms | 632 | 09/23/2025 | Opioids | Stein, B.D., Kilmer, B., Taylor, J., Vaiana, M.E., Barnes-Proby, D., Caulkins, J.P., Davis, L.M., Dworsky, M., Gates, S.M., Iguchi, M.Y., Osilla, K.C., Pacula, R.L., Pardo, B., Sherry, T.B., & Smucker, S. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | RAND Health Inquiry | No | No | No | No | America's Opioid Ecosystem: How Leveraging System Interactions Can Help Curb Addiction, Overdose, and Other Harms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
09/15/2023 | Examining Tobacco-Related Social Media Research in Government Policy Documents: Systematic Review | 633 | 09/23/2025 | Tobacco | Beard, T.A., Donaldson, S.I., Unger, J.B., & Allem, J.P. | Unger, J.B. | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Allem, J.P | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Examining Tobacco-Related Social Media Research in Government Policy Documents: Systematic Review | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/19/2023 | Concern for Police Brutality, Societal Discrimination, and School Shootings and Subsequent Cigarette and Cannabis Use in Los Angeles County Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Youth: a Longitudinal Study | 644 | 09/23/2025 | Poly | Hacker, K.J., Chen-Sankey, J., Leventhal, A.M. & Choi, K | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
09/19/2023 | Concern for Police Brutality, Societal Discrimination, and School Shootings and Subsequent Cigarette and Cannabis Use in Los Angeles County Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Youth: a Longitudinal Stud | 649 | 10/23/2025 | Poly | Hacker, K.J., Chen-Sankey, J., Leventhal, A.M., & Choi, K. | Leventhal, AM | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities | No | No | No | No | | Concern for Police Brutality, Societal Discrimination, and School Shootings and Subsequent Cigarette and Cannabis Use in Los Angeles County Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Youth: a Longitudinal Stud | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/20/2023 | “They might take my baby away:” Black and Latina peoples’ experiences of using cannabis during pregnancy in California while engaged in perinatal care | 643 | 09/23/2025 | Cannabis | Ceasar, R.C., Gould, E., Laughter, J., Granacki, J., Kirsch, K., Chauca, E., Santos, J.J., Becerra, L., Cazares, L., Habre, R., Farzan, S., Tamatam, S., Nguyen, R.M., Breton, C.V. & Bastain, T.M. | Ceasar, RC | KSOM | 4 | 11/09/2023 | Journal of Perinatology | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
09/20/2023 | “They might take my baby away:” Black and Latina peoples’ experiences of using cannabis during pregnancy in California while engaged in perinatal care | 650 | 10/23/2025 | Cannabis | Ceasar, R.C., Gould, E., Laughter, J., Granacki, J., Kirsch, K., Chauca, E., Santos, J. J., Becerra, L., Cazares, L., Habre, R., Farzan, S., Tamatam, S., Nguyen, R.M., Breton, C.V. & Bastain, T.M. | Ceasar, RC | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 10/23/2023 | Journal of Perinatology | No | No | No | No | | “They might take my baby away:” Black and Latina peoples’ experiences of using cannabis during pregnancy in California while engaged in perinatal care | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2023 | Investigating the factor structure and measurement invariance of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender gay men and lesbian women from the United States | 642 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Compte, E.J., McGuire, F.H., Brown, T.A., Lavender, J.M., Murray, S.B., Capriotti, M.R., Flentje, A., Lubensky, M.E., Lunn, M.R., Obedin-Maliver, J. & Nagata, J.M. | Murray, SB | KSOM | 149 | 11/09/2023 | Journal of Eating Disorders | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
09/22/2023 | Investigating the factor structure and measurement invariance of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender gay men and lesbian women from the United States | 648 | 10/23/2025 | Other | Compte, E.J., McGuire, F.H., Brown, T.A., Lavendar, J.M., Murray, J.B., Capriotti, M.R., Flentje, A., Lubensky, M.E., Lunn, M.R., Obedin-Maliver, J. & Nagata, J.M. | Murray, SB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 119 | 10/23/2023 | Journal of Eating Disorders | No | No | No | No | | Investigating the factor structure and measurement invariance of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) among cisgender gay men and lesbian women from the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/01/2023 | Informing the development of interventions for e-cigarette use and prevention of transition to cigarette smoking in young adults: A qualitative study | 624 | 08/23/2025 | Tobacco | Tran, D.D., Davis, J.P., Ring, C., Buch, K., Fitzke, R.E. & Pedersen, E.R. | Tran, DD | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Preventitive Medicine Reports | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10/01/2023 | A statewide study of disparities in local policies and tobacco, vape, and cannabis retail environments | 629 | 08/23/2025 | Poly | Bostean, G., Ponicki, W.R., Padon, A., McCarthy, W.J. & Unger, J.B | Unger, JB | KSOM | Preventative Medicine Reports | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/01/2023 | Substance use and other factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uptake among people at risk for or living with HIV: Findings from the C3PNO consortium | 631 | 09/23/2025 | SUD | Khan, Lamia; Mustanski, Brian; Shoptaw, Steve; Baum, Marianna; Mehta, Shruti; Kirk, Gregory; Lai, Shenghan; Moore, Richard; Milloy, M-J; Kipke, Michele; Hayashi, Kanna; DeBeck, Kora; Siminski, Suzanne; White, Lisa; Gorbach, Pamina; Javanbakht, Marjan | Kipke, M | KSOM | UCLA | No | No | No | No | | Substance use and other factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uptake among people at risk for or living with HIV: Findings from the C3PNO consortium | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10/01/2023 | Association between food insecurity and depressive symptoms among adolescents aged 12-15 years from 22 low- and middle-income countries | 641 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Smith, L., Sanchez, G.F.L., Oh, H., Rahmati, M., Tully, M.A., Yon, D.K., Butler, L., Barnett, Y., Ball, G., Shin, J.I. & Koyanagi, A | Oh, H | KSOM | Psychiatry Research | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10/04/2023 | Oral Nicotine Gum Discussions on Twitter: Content Analysis | 657 | 10/23/2025 | Tobacco | Galimov, A., Kirkpatrick, M. G., Vassey, J., Galstyan, E., Smith, A., Allem, J.-P., Unger, J.B. | Kirkpatrick, MG | KSOM | Allem, JP | KSOM | Unger, JB | KSOM | 1 | 11/04/2023 | Nicotine and Tobacco Research | Yes | No | No | No | | Oral Nicotine Gum Discussions on Twitter: Content Analysis | |||||||||||||||||
10/05/2023 | Changes in Cannabis-Attributable Hospitalizations Following Nonmedical Cannabis Legalization in Canada | 651 | 10/23/2025 | Cannabis | Myran, D. T., Gaudreault, A., Konikoff, L., Talarico, R., & Pacula, R. L. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 132 | 10/23/2023 | JAMA Network Open | No | No | No | No | | Changes in Cannabis-Attributable Hospitalizations Following Nonmedical Cannabis Legalization in Canada | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/06/2023 | Predictors of Housing Trajectories Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles | 652 | 10/23/2025 | Other | Pedersen, E.R., DiGuiseppi, G., D’Amico, E.J., Rodriguez,A., Tran, D.D., Jose, R., & Tucker, J.S. | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | D'Amico, EJ | KSOM | 9 | 10/23/2023 | The Journal of Behavioral Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Predictors of Housing Trajectories Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles | |||||||||||||||||||
10/11/2023 | Mental and Physical Health-Related Cannabis Motives Mediate the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Problematic Cannabis Use over Time among Emerging Adult Cannabis Users | 647 | 10/23/2025 | Cannabis | Conn, B.M., Brammar, W.A., Choi, S., Fedorova, E.V., Atalants, J., Lankenu, S.E. & Wong, C.F. | Conn, BM | KSOM | Wong, CF | KSOM | Substance Use & Misuse | Yes | No | No | No | | Mental and Physical Health-Related Cannabis Motives Mediate the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Problematic Cannabis Use over Time among Emerging Adult Cannabis Users | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/13/2023 | Hypothetical e-liquid flavor ban and opinions among vape shop retailers in the Greater Los Angeles Area | 653 | 10/23/2025 | Other | Smiley, S.L., Shin, H., Brown, N., Geraci, A. A. & Sussman, S. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tobacco Induced Diseases | No | No | No | No | | Hypothetical e-liquid flavor ban and opinions among vape shop retailers in the Greater Los Angeles Area | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10/16/2023 | Using Latent Profile Analysis to Examine Cannabis Use Contexts: Associations with Use, Consequences, and Protective Behaviors | 654 | 10/23/2025 | Cannabis | Gray, B.A., Bolts, O.L., Fitzke, R.E., Douglass, M.A., Pedersen, E.R., & Prince, M.A. | Fitzke, RE | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, ER | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 0 | Susbtance Use and Misuse | Yes | No | No | No | | Using Latent Profile Analysis to Examine Cannabis Use Contexts: Associations with Use, Consequences, and Protective Behaviors | ||||||||||||||||||||
10/16/2023 | The social epidemiology of binge-eating disorder and behaviors in early adolescents | 656 | 10/23/2025 | Other | Nagata, J.M., Smith-Russack, Z., Paul, A., Saldana, G.A., Shao, I.Y., Al-Shoaibi, A.A., Chaphekar, A.V., Downey, A.E., He, J., Murray, S.B., Baker, F.C., & Ganson, K.T. | Murray, SB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 165 | 11/04/2023 | Journal of Eating Disorders | No | No | No | No | | The social epidemiology of binge-eating disorder and behaviors in early adolescents | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/17/2023 | Wellness Tour for Tribal Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Uniting Sacred Space with Western Medicine to Prevent Substance Use | 655 | 10/23/2025 | SUD | Wakhlu, N., Soto, C., Duncan, M., Titman, A., & Turner, B. | Soto, C | KSOM | Turner, B | KSOM | 1 | 11/04/2023 | Journal of Community Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Wellness Tour for Tribal Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Uniting Sacred Space with Western Medicine to Prevent Substance Use | |||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2023 | Associations of DHEA(S) with negative and positive affect in people who smoke daily with elevated and low depression symptoms: A pilot laboratory study | 609 | 07/23/2025 | Tobacco | Pang, R., Tucker, C. J., Guillot, C, R., Belcher, B. & Kirkpatrick, M. G. | Pang, R | KSOM | Kirkpatrick, MG | KSOM | Addictive Behaviors | Yes | No | No | No | | Associations of DHEA(S) with negative and positive affect in people who smoke daily with elevated and low depression symptoms: A pilot laboratory study | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2023 | Prescription Opioid Use for Adolescents With Neurocognitive Disability Undergoing Surgery: A Pilot Study | 625 | 08/23/2025 | Opioids | Keane, O.A., Zamora, A.K., Ourshalimian, S., Mahdi, E.M., Song, A.Y., Kim, E., Lakshmanan, A., Kim, E.S. & Kelley-Quon, L.I. | Kelley-Quon, L.I. | KSOM | Journal of Surgical Research | No | No | No | No | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2023 | Abolition and harm reduction in the struggle for “Care, Not Cages” | 634 | 09/23/2025 | Other | Levenson, J., Textor, L., Bluthenthal, R., Darby, A., Wahbi, R., & Clayton-Johnson, M.R. | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | International Journal of Drug Policy | No | No | No | No | | Abolition and harm reduction in the struggle for “Care, Not Cages” | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11/04/2023 | Context Matters: Using an Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework to develop and encourage uptake of opioid deprescribing guideline recommendations at the point-of-care | 666 | 12/23/2025 | Opioids | Langford, A.V., Bero, L., Lin, C.C., Blyth, F.M., Doctor, J., Holliday, S., Jeon, Y., Moullin, J., Murnion, B., Nielsen, S., Penm, J., Reeve, E., Reid, S., Wale, J., Osman, R., Gnjidic, D., & Schneider, C.R. | Doctor, J | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Clinical Epidemiology | | Context Matters: Using an Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework to develop and encourage uptake of opioid deprescribing guideline recommendations at the point-of-care | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/07/2023 | The prevalence of disordered eating in outpatient general psychiatry settings in publicly insured populations: a case series | 665 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Friedlich, C.E., Park, H., Duval, C.J., Keshishian, T. & Murray, S.B. | Murray, SB | Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | 99 | 01/24/2024 | The prevalence of disordered eating in outpatient general psychiatry settings in publicly insured populations: a case series | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/08/2023 | Effects of ‘Ice’ flavoured e-cigarettes with synthetic cooling agent WS-23 or menthol on user-reported appeal and sensory attributes | 663 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Tackett AP, Han DH, Peraza N, Whaley, R.C., Mason, T., Cahn, R., Hong, K., Pang, R., Monterosso, J., Page, M.K., Goniewicz, M.L., & Leventhal, A.M. | Mason, TB | KSOM | Cahn,R | KSOM | Pang, R | KSOM | Monterosso, J | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | Leventhal,AM | KSOM | 17 | 01/24/2024 | BMJ Journals | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Effects of ‘Ice’ flavoured e-cigarettes with synthetic cooling agent WS-23 or menthol on user-reported appeal and sensory attributes | |||||||||||||
11/08/2023 | Scalable surveillance of e-cigarette products on Instagram and TikTok using computer vision | 664 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Julia Vassey, MPH, Chris J Kennedy, PhD, Ho-Chun Herbert Chang, PhD, Ashley S Smith, MS, Jennifer B Unger, PhD | Unger, JB | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Oxford Academic | No | No | No | No | | Scalable surveillance of e-cigarette products on Instagram and TikTok using computer vision | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/10/2023 | Association of e-Cigarette Use and Postpartum Depression: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 2016–2019 | 668 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Choi, B.M., Weinberger, A.H., Petersen, N., Pang, R.D., DeVito, E.E., Bell, M.L., & Allen, A.M. | Pang, RD | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Women's Health | | Association of e-Cigarette Use and Postpartum Depression: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 2016–2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/13/2023 | “Notice of major cleaning”: A qualitative study of the negative impact of encampment sweeps on the ontological security of unhoused people who use drugs | 667 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Goldshear, J.L., Kitonga, N., Angelo, N., Cowan, A., Henwood, B.F., & Bluthenthal, R.N. | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Social Science & Medicine | | “Notice of major cleaning”: A qualitative study of the negative impact of encampment sweeps on the ontological security of unhoused people who use drugs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/24/2023 | Impact of social networks and norms on e-cigarette use among adolescents in Southern California: a prospective cohort study | 662 | 11/23/2025 | Tobacco | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/25/2023 | Characterizing prescription opioid, heroin, and fentanyl initiation trajectories: A qualitative study | 660 | 11/23/2025 | Opioids | Perdue T.;, Carlson, R.; Daniulaityte, R.; Silverstein, S.M.; Bluthenthal, R.N.; Valdez, A.; Cepeda, A. | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | Valdez, A | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Cepeda, A | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Social Science & Medicine | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/25/2023 | Factors Associated with Postoperative Opioid Use in Adolescents | 661 | 11/23/2025 | Opioids | Marjorie Odegard a b, Shadassa Ourshalimian a b, Donia Hijaz a b, Rachel Y. Goldstein a b, Romeo C. Ignacio c, Stephanie Y. Chen d, Eugene Kim a b, Eugene S. Kim a b d, Lorraine I. Kelley-Quon a b e | Science Direct | | Factors Associated with Postoperative Opioid Use in Adolescents | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11/28/2023 | Association of over the counter “hangover remedy” use with alcohol use problems and consumption patterns among young adults | 659 | 11/23/2025 | Alcohol | Han, D.H.; Davis, J.P.; Davies, D.L.; Clapp, J.D.; Pedersen, E.R.; Leventhal, A.M. | Davies, DL | School of Pharmacy | Clapp, JD | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pedersen, ER | KSOM | Leventhal, AM | KSOM | Alcohol & Alcoholism | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | | ||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Surveying Adolescents During a Pandemic: Comparison of Adolescents Recruited via Social Media vs. Schools | 669 | 12/23/2025 | Other | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Surveying Adolescents During a Pandemic: Comparison of Adolescents Recruited via Social Media vs. Schools | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Expert Views on State Policies to Improve Engagement and Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Analysis of an Online Modified Delphi Process. | 685 | 12/23/2025 | Opioids | Grant, Sean; Smart, Rosanna; Gordon, Adam J; Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo; Stein, Bradley D | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 1 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Addiction Medicine | No | No | No | No | Expert Views on State Policies to Improve Engagement and Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Analysis of an Online Modified Delphi Process. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Surveying Adolescents During a Pandemic: Comparison of Adolescents Recruited via Social Media vs. Schools | 686 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Unger, Jennifer B.; Steinberg, Jane; Vos, Robert; Soto, Daniel W.; Albers, Larisa; Rogers, Christopher J. | Unger, JB | KSOM | Steinberg, J | KSOM | Vos, RO | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Prevention Science | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Surveying Adolescents During a Pandemic: Comparison of Adolescents Recruited via Social Media vs. Schools | ||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Directional Associations Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Cannabis Use in Young Adults: Uncovering Variation by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity | 688 | 12/23/2025 | Cannabis | Davis, Jordan P.; Pedersen, Eric R.; Tucker, Joan S.; Prindle, John; Dunbar, Michael S.; Seelam, Rachana; D’Amico, Elizabeth J. | Pedersen, E | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | No | No | No | No | Directional Associations Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Cannabis Use in Young Adults: Uncovering Variation by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Nicotine Deprivation Amplifies Attentional Bias Toward Racial Discrimination Stimuli in African American Adults Who Smoke Cigarettes | 689 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Bello, Mariel S.; Zhang, Yi; Cho, Junhan; Kirkpatrick, Matthew G.; Pang, Raina D.; Oliver, Jason A.; Hooper, Monica Webb; Barrington-Trimis, Jessica L.; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S.; Leventhal, Adam M. | Cho, J | KSOM | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | Pang, R | KSOM | Barrington-Trimis, J | KSOM | Leventhal, AM | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | Yes | No | No | No | Nicotine Deprivation Amplifies Attentional Bias Toward Racial Discrimination Stimuli in African American Adults Who Smoke Cigarettes | ||||||||||||||
12/01/2023 | Cartoon Marketing Exposure Decreases Perceived Risks of e-Cigarette Use in Adolescents | 690 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Kirkpatrick, Matthew G.; Dormanesh, Allison; Unger, Jennifer B.; Allem, Jon-Patrick | Kirkpatrick, MG | KSOM | Unger, JB | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | Yes | No | No | No | Cartoon Marketing Exposure Decreases Perceived Risks of e-Cigarette Use in Adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/02/2023 | Maladaptive daydreaming: A shortened assessment measure and its mental health correlates in a large United States sample | 692 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Soffer-Dudek, N.; Oh, H. | Oh, H | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Science Direct | | Maladaptive daydreaming: A shortened assessment measure and its mental health correlates in a large United States sample | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/06/2023 | Inappropriate quetiapine use at a large academic medical center: frequency of misuse and associated costs of adverse effects | 691 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Roth, W.; Dadiomov, D.; Chu, M. | Dadiomov, D | School of Pharmacy | 2 | 01/24/2024 | No | No | No | No | Inappropriate quetiapine use at a large academic medical center: frequency of misuse and associated costs of adverse effects | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12/06/2023 | Characterizing prescription opioid, heroin, and fentanyl initiation trajectories: A qualitative study | 694 | 12/23/2025 | Opioids | Tasha Perdue a, Robert Carlson b, Raminta Daniulaityte c, Sydney M. Silverstein b, Ricky N. Bluthenthal d, Avelardo Valdez e, Alice Cepeda e | Bluthenthal, RN | Valdez, A | Cepeda, A | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Science Direct | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/07/2023 | Trends in COVID-19 testing, infection, vaccination, and housing assistance among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and Denver | 684 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Ceasar, Rachel Carmen; Goldshear, Jesse L.; Simpson, Kelsey A.; Corsi, Karen F.; Wilkins, Patricia; Kovalsky, Eric; Bluthenthal, Ricky N. | Ceasar, RC | KSOM | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 6 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Substance Use | Yes | No | No | No | Trends in COVID-19 testing, infection, vaccination, and housing assistance among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and Denver | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/09/2023 | Global Trends in the Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption Among School-Going Adolescents Aged 12–15 Years | 683 | 12/23/2025 | Alcohol | Smith, Lee; López Sánchez, Guillermo F; Pizzol, Damiano; Oh, Hans; Barnett, Yvonne; Schuch, Felipe; Butler, Laurie; McDermott, Daragh T; Ball, Graham; Chandola-Saklani, Asha; Shin, Jae Il; Koyanagi, Ai | Oh, H | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Adolescent Health | No | No | No | No | Global Trends in the Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption Among School-Going Adolescents Aged 12–15 Years | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/10/2023 | Updates on syringe coverage and service uptake among needle and syringe programs in the United States, 2019–2020 | 670 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Tooks, H.E., Bartholomew, T.S., Soto Sugar, S.E., Plesons, M.D., Bluthenthal, R.N., Wenger, L.D., Patel, S.V., Kral, A.H., Lambdin, B.H. | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 2 | 01/24/2024 | Science Direct | No | No | | Updates on syringe coverage and service uptake among needle and syringe programs in the United States, 2019–2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12/10/2023 | Updates on syringe coverage and service uptake among needle and syringe programs in the United States, 2019–2020 | 682 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Tookes, Hansel E; Bartholomew, Tyler S; Sugar, Sabrina E Soto; Plesons, Marina D; Bluthenthal, Ricky N; Wenger, Lynn D; Patel, Sheila V; Kral, Alex H; Lambdin, Barrot H | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 2 | 01/24/2024 | International Journal of Drug Policy | No | No | No | No | Updates on syringe coverage and service uptake among needle and syringe programs in the United States, 2019–2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/12/2023 | Low frequency of HBsAg reemergence in liver transplant recipients after stopping hepatitis B immune globulin: Implications for prophylaxis protocols. | 681 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Xu, Mimi; Mayemura, Collin T; Kong, Niwen; Genyk, Yuri S; Kahn, Jeffrey A; Terrault, Norah A | Terrault, NA | KSOM | 3 | 01/24/2024 | Liver Transplantation | No | No | No | No | Low frequency of HBsAg reemergence in liver transplant recipients after stopping hepatitis B immune globulin: Implications for prophylaxis protocols. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/18/2023 | Longitudinal associations among experiences of sexual assault, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and heavy drinking in young adults | 680 | 12/23/2025 | Alcohol | Pedersen, Eric R.; Davis, Jordan P.; Canning, Liv; Tucker, Joan S.; Prindle, John; Seelam, Rachana; Dunbar, Michael S.; Siconolfi, Daniel; D'Amico, Elizabeth J. | Pedersen, E | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Traumatic Stress | No | No | No | No | Longitudinal associations among experiences of sexual assault, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and heavy drinking in young adults | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/19/2023 | Proximity to Cannabis Retailers and Recent Cannabis Use among a Diverse Sample of California Adolescents | 677 | 12/23/2025 | Cannabis | Albers, Larisa; Rogers, Christopher J.; Steinberg, Jane; Vos, Robert O.; Soto, Daniel; Lee, Ryan; Wu, Jasmine Siyu; Unger, Jennifer B. | Steinberg, J | KSOM | Vos, RO | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | Unger, JB | KSOM | 5 | 01/24/2024 | Substance Use & Misuse | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Proximity to Cannabis Retailers and Recent Cannabis Use among a Diverse Sample of California Adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||
12/19/2023 | Adolescent and Parent Perceptions of Postoperative Opioid Use: A Qualitative, Thematic Analysis | 678 | 12/23/2025 | Opioids | Odegard, Marjorie N; Ceasar, Rachel Carmen; Hijaz, Donia; Obinelo, Adaeze; Rosales, Alvina; Bhanvadia, Sumeet; Kirkpatrick, Matthew; Kim, Eugene; Kelley-Quon, Lorraine I | Ceasar, RC | KSOM | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | Kelley-Quon,L | KSOM | 1 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Pediatric Surgery | Yes | No | No | No | Adolescent and Parent Perceptions of Postoperative Opioid Use: A Qualitative, Thematic Analysis | ||||||||||||||||||
12/19/2023 | Structure of the dopamine D3 receptor bound to a bitopic agonist reveals a new specificity site in an expanded allosteric pocket | 679 | 12/23/2025 | Other | García-Nafría, Javier; Arroyo-Urea, Sandra; Nazarova, Antonina; Carrión-Antolí, Ángela; Bonifazi, Alessandro; Battiti, Francisco; Lam, Jordy; Newman, Amy; Katritch, Vsevolod | Katritch, V | Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences | 2 | 01/24/2024 | Research Square | No | No | No | No | Structure of the dopamine D3 receptor bound to a bitopic agonist reveals a new specificity site in an expanded allosteric pocket | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2023 | CANNABIS USE TRENDS AND INTENTIONS AMONG OLDER PEOPLE WHO INJECT DRUGS IN LOS ANGELES, CA, AND DENVER, CO, 2021–2022 | 676 | 12/23/2025 | Cannabis | Bluthenthal, Ricky; Cohen, Jonathan | Bluthenthal, RN | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Innovation in Aging | CANNABIS USE TRENDS AND INTENTIONS AMONG OLDER PEOPLE WHO INJECT DRUGS IN LOS ANGELES, CA, AND DENVER, CO, 2021–2022 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/21/2023 | Online Purchase Attempts of Flavored E-Cigarettes to Minors in California Before and After Senate Bill 793 | 687 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Donaldson, Scott I.; Beard, Trista A.; Colonna, Rafael; Andersen-Rodgers, Elizabeth; Wipfli, Heather L.; Ribisl, Kurt M.; Allem, Jon-Patrick | Wipfli, HL | KSOM | 54 | 01/24/2024 | JAMA Network Open | No | No | No | No | Online Purchase Attempts of Flavored E-Cigarettes to Minors in California Before and After Senate Bill 793 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/26/2023 | Effects of flavour and modified risk claims on nicotine pouch perceptions and use intentions among young adults who use inhalable nicotine and tobacco products: a randomised controlled trial. | 674 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Vogel, Erin A; Tackett, Alayna P; Unger, Jennifer B; Gonzalez, Maria J; Peraza, Natalia; Jafarzadeh, Nikki S; Page, Michelle K; Goniewicz, Maciej L; Wong, Melissa; Leventhal, Adam M | Unger, JB | KSOM | Leventhal, M | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Tobacco Control | Yes | No | No | No | Effects of flavour and modified risk claims on nicotine pouch perceptions and use intentions among young adults who use inhalable nicotine and tobacco products: a randomised controlled trial. | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/26/2023 | Relationships between Alcohol and Cannabis Policies in U.S. States, 1999-2019. | 675 | 12/23/2025 | Cannabis | Naimi, Timothy S; Lira, Marlene C; Pessar, Seema Choksy; Smart, Rosanna; Blanchette, Jason; Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | Relationships between Alcohol and Cannabis Policies in U.S. States, 1999-2019. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/27/2023 | Indirect Effects of Body Mass Index and Sweet Taste Responsiveness on E-Cigarette Dependence: The Role of E-Cigarette Motives | 673 | 12/23/2025 | Tobacco | Mason, Tyler B.; Tackett, Alayna P.; Leventhal, Adam M. | Leventhal, AM | KSOM | Mason, T | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Substance Use & Misuse | Yes | No | No | No | Indirect Effects of Body Mass Index and Sweet Taste Responsiveness on E-Cigarette Dependence: The Role of E-Cigarette Motives | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/29/2023 | Adverse childhood experiences, discrimination, and substance use among Latino/a/Hispanic youth | 672 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Grest, Carolina Villamil; Cederbaum, Julie A.; Lee, Jungeun Olivia; Unger, Jennifer B. | Lee, Olivia | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Applied Developmental Science | Adverse childhood experiences, discrimination, and substance use among Latino/a/Hispanic youth | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2023 | Depressive Symptoms and Binge Eating in Children: Examining Symptom Specificity in a Population-based Sample of Male and Female Children | 671 | 12/23/2025 | Other | Mason, Tyler B.; Zhang, Diana; Castillo, Diana; Dayag, Rachel; Lam, Kathy; Morales, Jeremy C.; Smith, Kathryn E. | Mason, T | KSOM | 0 | 01/24/2024 | Journal of Emotion and Psychopathology | Depressive Symptoms and Binge Eating in Children: Examining Symptom Specificity in a Population-based Sample of Male and Female Children |
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2022 Publications
Publication Date | Article Name | Record ID | Newsletter Date | Topic | Authors | IAS Member #1 | IAS Member #1 School or Dept | IAS Member #2 | IAS Member #2 School or Dept | IAS Member #3 | IAS Member #3 School or Dept | IAS Member #4 | IAS Member #4 School or Dept | IAS Member #5 | IAS Member #5 School or Dept | IAS Member #6 | IAS Member #6 School or Dept | IAS Member #7 | IAS Member #7 School or Dept | IAS Member #8 | IAS Member #8 School or Dept | IAS Member #9 | IAS Member #9 School or Dept | IAS Member #10 | IAS Member #10 School or Dept | Altmetric Score | Date of Score | Journal | Impact Factor | Multiple Member? | Cross-School? | Authors from 2 or more schools? | Authors from 3 or more schools? | Link | DOI | Full Citation | Article Name Hyperlinked |
01/01/2022 | Comparing the effectiveness of three substance use interventions for youth with and without homelessness experiences prior to treatment | 393 | 02/22/2025 | SUD | DiGuiseppi, G. T., Tucker, J. S., Prindle, J. J., Henwood, B. F., Huey, S. J., Jr., Rice, E. R., & Davis, J. P. | Davis, JP | 0 | 08/15/2022 | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 7.156,00 | No | No | | Comparing the effectiveness of three substance use interventions for youth with and without homelessness experiences prior to treatment | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/01/2022 | Alcohol use and cannabis use trajectories and sexual/gender minority disparities in young adulthood | 394 | 02/22/2025 | Alcohol | Dunbar, M. S., Siconolfi, D., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., Davis, J. P., Tucker, J. S., & D'Amico, E. J. | Davis, JP | 8 | 08/15/2022 | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | 4.044,00 | No | No | | Alcohol use and cannabis use trajectories and sexual/gender minority disparities in young adulthood | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/10/2022 | Secondhand nicotine vaping at home and respiratory symptoms in young adults | 398 | 02/22/2025 | Tobacco | Islam T, Braymiller J, Eckel SP, Liu F, Tackett AP, Rebuli ME, Barrington-Trimis J, McConnell R. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Tackett, AP | 781 | 08/15/2022 | Thorax | 9.106,00 | Yes | Yes | | Secondhand nicotine vaping at home and respiratory symptoms in young adults | ||||||||||||||||||||||
01/13/2022 | Changes in the availability of medications for opioid use disorder in prisons and jails in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic | 392 | 02/22/2025 | Opioids | Dadiomov D, Trotzky-Sirr R, Shooshtari A, Qato DM. | Trotzky-Sirr, R | Qato, DM | 5 | 08/15/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | Yes | | Changes in the availability of medications for opioid use disorder in prisons and jails in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic | ||||||||||||||||||||||
01/15/2022 | Association of depression symptom level with smoking urges, cigarette withdrawal, and smoking reinstatement: A preliminary laboratory study | 401 | 02/22/2025 | Tobacco | Tucker CJ, Bello MS, Weinberger AH, D'Orazio LM, Kirkpatrick MG, Pang RD. | D'Orazio, LM | Kirkpatrick, MG | Pang, RD | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | Yes | | Association of depression symptom level with smoking urges, cigarette withdrawal, and smoking reinstatement: A preliminary laboratory study | |||||||||||||||||||||
01/17/2022 | Comparison of hospital claims and poison center data to evaluate health impact of opioids, cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids | 402 | 02/22/2025 | Opioids | Wang GS, Buttorff C, Wilks A, Schwam D, Tung GJ, Banerji S, Dart RC, Pacula RL. | Pacula, RL | 2 | 08/15/2022 | The American Journal of Emergency Medicine | 1.473,00 | No | No | | Comparison of hospital claims and poison center data to evaluate health impact of opioids, cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/18/2022 | The Role of Affective Instability in Loss of Control Eating in Youth with Overweight/Obesity Across Development: Findings from Two EMA Studies | 395 | 02/22/2025 | Other | Egbert AH, Smith KE, Ranzenhofer LM, Goldschmidt AB, Hilbert A. | Smith, KE | 1 | 08/15/2022 | Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology | 41,00 | No | No | | The Role of Affective Instability in Loss of Control Eating in Youth with Overweight/Obesity Across Development: Findings from Two EMA Studies | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/18/2022 | E-cigarette device type and combustible tobacco use: Results from a pooled analysis of 10,482 youth | 399 | 02/22/2025 | Tobacco | Kong G, Chaffee BW, Wu R, Krishnan-Sarin S, Liu F, Leventhal AM, McConnell R, Barrington-Trimis J. E | Leventhal, AM | Barrington-Trimis, JL | 3 | 08/15/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | Yes | | E-cigarette device type and combustible tobacco use: Results from a pooled analysis of 10,482 youth | ||||||||||||||||||||||
01/19/2022 | Psychiatric comorbidity associated with weight status in 9 to 10 year old children | 400 | 02/22/2025 | Other | Smith KE, Mason TB. | Mason, TB | Smith, KE | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Pediatric Obesity | 391,00 | Yes | Yes | | Psychiatric comorbidity associated with weight status in 9 to 10 year old children | ||||||||||||||||||||||
01/25/2022 | Typology of eating episodes in children and adolescents with overweight/obesity | 396 | 02/22/2025 | Other | Goldschmidt, A. B., Mason, T. B., Smith, K. E., Egbert, A. H., Engel, S. G., & Haedt-Matt, A. | Smith, KE | Mason, TB | 8 | 08/15/2022 | Eating Behaviors | 2.936,00 | Yes | Yes | | Typology of eating episodes in children and adolescents with overweight/obesity | ||||||||||||||||||||||
01/25/2022 | Association of Adverse Events in Opioid Addiction Treatment With Quality Measure for Continuity of Pharmacotherapy | 411 | 03/22/2025 | Opioids | Liu Y, Becker A, Mattke S. | Mattke S | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Journal of Healthcare Quality | 15,00 | No | No | | Association of Adverse Events in Opioid Addiction Treatment With Quality Measure for Continuity of Pharmacotherapy | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/26/2022 | Correlates of youth Poly-E-Cigarette device use | 397 | 02/22/2025 | Tobacco | Hoffmeyer N, Hinton A, Wagener TL, Tackett AP. | Tackett, AP | 1 | 08/15/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | No | No | | Correlates of youth Poly-E-Cigarette device use | |||||||||||||||||||||||
01/27/2022 | Momentary associations between fear of weight gain and dietary restriction among individuals with binge-spectrum eating disorders | 412 | 03/22/2025 | Other | Manasse SM, Lampe EW, Srivastava P, Payne-Reichert A, Mason TB, Juarascio AS. | Mason, TB | 7 | 08/15/2022 | International Journal of Eating Disorders | 5.791,00 | No | No | | Momentary associations between fear of weight gain and dietary restriction among individuals with binge-spectrum eating disorders | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/01/2022 | Adolescent Body Mass Index and Exposure to Peers with Overweight and Obesity: A Structural Equation Model Approach to Longitudinal Network Data | 415 | 03/22/2025 | Other | Piombo SE, Huh J, Valente TW. | Huh, J | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Childhood Obesity | 2.837,00 | No | No | | Adolescent Body Mass Index and Exposure to Peers with Overweight and Obesity: A Structural Equation Model Approach to Longitudinal Network Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/02/2022 | Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure | 414 | 03/22/2025 | Other | Netherland, J., Kral, A. H., Ompad, D. C., Davis, C. S., Bluthenthal, R. N., Dasgupta, N., Gilbert, M., Morgan, R., & Wheelock, H. | Bluthenthal, RN | 43 | 08/15/2022 | Journal of Urban Health | 5.801,00 | No | No | | Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/02/2022 | Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure | 476 | 07/22/2025 | Other | Netherland, J., Kral, A. H., Ompad, D. C., Davis, C. S., Bluthenthal, R. N., Dasgupta, N., Gilbert, M., Morgan, R., & Wheelock, H. | Bluthenthal, RN | 40 | 12/14/2022 | Journal of Urban Health | 5.801,00 | No | No | | Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/07/2022 | E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis | 417 | 03/22/2025 | Tobacco | Vassey J, Valente T, Barker J, Stanton C, Li D, Laestadius L, Cruz TB, Unger JB. | Unger, J | 47 | 08/15/2022 | Tobacco Control | 6.953,00 | No | No | | E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/09/2022 | A systematic review of maladaptive interpersonal behaviors and eating disorder psychopathology | 413 | 03/22/2025 | Other | Mason TB, Dayag R, Dolgon-Krutolow A, Lam K, Zhang D. | Mason, TB | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Eating Behaviors | 2.936,00 | No | No | | A systematic review of maladaptive interpersonal behaviors and eating disorder psychopathology | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/10/2022 | Adolescent Substance Use and Individual Beliefs That Drug Use Is Wrong: A Statewide Epidemiological Study | 405 | 03/22/2025 | SUD | Barton AW, Gong Q, Sutton NC, Davis JP, Smith DC. | Davis, JP | 72 | 08/15/2022 | Substance Use & Misuse | 2.362,00 | No | No | | Adolescent Substance Use and Individual Beliefs That Drug Use Is Wrong: A Statewide Epidemiological Study | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/10/2022 | Knowledge Translation and the Opioid Crisis | 407 | 03/22/2025 | Opioids | Doctor JN, Sullivan MD. | Doctor, JN | 4 | 08/15/2022 | American Journal of Public Health | 1.158,00 | No | No | | Knowledge Translation and the Opioid Crisis | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/10/2022 | Alcohol and Cannabis Use Trajectories and Outcomes in a Sample of Hispanic, White, and Asian Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults | 408 | 03/22/2025 | Alcohol | Dunbar MS, Siconolfi D, Rodriguez A, Seelam R, Davis JP, Tucker JS, D'Amico EJ. | Davis, JP | 0 | 08/15/2022 | Environmental Research and Public Health | 4.614,00 | No | No | | Alcohol and Cannabis Use Trajectories and Outcomes in a Sample of Hispanic, White, and Asian Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/11/2022 | Cannabis legalization and cannabis-involved pregnancy hospitalizations in Colorado | 418 | 03/22/2025 | Cannabis | Wang, G. S., Buttorff, C., Wilks, A., Schwam, D., Metz, T. D., Tung, G., & Pacula, R. L. | Pacula, RL | 8 | 08/15/2022 | Preventive Medicine | 4.637,00 | No | No | | Cannabis legalization and cannabis-involved pregnancy hospitalizations in Colorado | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/14/2022 | Critical challenges and creative solutions for quantifying nicotine vaping: qualitative reports from young adults | 258 | 04/21/2025 | Tobacco | Yamaguchi N, Kechter A, Schiff SJ, Braymiller JL, Ceasar RC, Simpson KA, Bluthenthal RN, Barrington-Trimis JL | Ceasar, RC | Bluthenthal, RN | Barrington-Trimis, J | 0 | 08/08/2022 | Nicotine and Tobacco Research | 5.825,00 | Yes | No | | Critical challenges and creative solutions for quantifying nicotine vaping: qualitative reports from young adults | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/15/2022 | Iatrogenic opioid withdrawal in hospitalized infants | 410 | 03/22/2025 | Opioids | Kelley-Quon, L.I., Zamora, A.K., Ourshalimian, S., Kim E, Leventhal AM, Kaplan C, Lakshmanan A | Leventhal, AM | Kaplan, C | Kelley-Quon, L | 4 | 08/15/2022 | Journal of Perinatology | 105,00 | Yes | Yes | | Iatrogenic opioid withdrawal in hospitalized infants | |||||||||||||||||||||
02/16/2022 | The opioid epidemic among the Latino population in California | 416 | 03/22/2025 | Opioids | Valdez, A., Cepeda, A., Frankeberger, J., & Nowotny, K. M. | Cepeda, A | Valdez, A | 2 | 08/15/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | Yes | | The opioid epidemic among the Latino population in California | ||||||||||||||||||||||
02/17/2022 | Evaluating an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention Among Filipino Parents: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial | 404 | 03/22/2025 | Other | Macam SR, Mack W, Palinkas L, Kipke M, Javier JR. | Kipke, MD | 9 | 08/15/2022 | JMIR Research Protocols | 58,00 | No | No | | Evaluating an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention Among Filipino Parents: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/17/2022 | Examining the role of mitochondrial genetic variation in nicotine dependence | 409 | 03/22/2025 | Tobacco | Giannoulis SV, Chenoweth MJ, Saquilayan P, Tyndale RF, Lerman C, Kennedy JL, Zawertailo L, Gonçalves V. | Lerman, C | 4 | 08/15/2022 | Psychiatry Research | 11.225,00 | No | No | | Examining the role of mitochondrial genetic variation in nicotine dependence | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/21/2022 | Mental health correlates of quitting cigarette smoking in youth experiencing homelessness | 403 | 03/22/2025 | Tobacco | Tran DD, Davis JP, Atieh T, Pedersen ER, Tucker JS. | Davis, JP | Pedersen, ER | 6 | 08/15/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | Yes | No | | Mental health correlates of quitting cigarette smoking in youth experiencing homelessness | ||||||||||||||||||||||
02/24/2022 | Identifying individual and environmental predictors of opioid and psychostimulant use among adolescents and young adults following outpatient treatment | 406 | 03/22/2025 | Opioids | Davis JP, Rao P, Dilkina B, Prindle J, Eddie D, Christie NC, DiGuiseppi G, Saba S, Ring C, Dennis M. | Davis, JP | 5 | 08/15/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | No | No | | Identifying individual and environmental predictors of opioid and psychostimulant use among adolescents and young adults following outpatient treatment | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/24/2022 | Methamphetamine use and disordered eating: a case study of an understudied phenomenon | 434 | 05/22/2025 | Methamphetamine | Duval, C. J., Balkchyan, A. A., Sarkisyan, A., Pedersen, E. R., Nagata, J. M., Keshishian, T., & Murray, S. B. | Pedersen, ER | 5 | 11/10/2022 | Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity | 3.008,00 | No | No | | Methamphetamine use and disordered eating: a case study of an understudied phenomenon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/25/2022 | Identifying Health-Related Discussions of Cannabis Use on Twitter by Using a Medical Dictionary: Content Analysis of Tweets | 419 | 04/22/2025 | Cannabis | Allem J, Majmundar A, Dormanesh A, Donaldson SI | Allem, J | 10 | 11/09/2022 | JMIR Formative Research | 5.016,00 | No | No | | Identifying Health-Related Discussions of Cannabis Use on Twitter by Using a Medical Dictionary: Content Analysis of Tweets | |||||||||||||||||||||||
02/25/2022 | Associations of cannabis product source and subsequent cannabis use among adolescents | 427 | 04/22/2025 | Cannabis | Kelleghan, A. R., Sofis, M. J., Budney, A., Ceasar, R., & Leventhal, A. M. | Ceasar, R | Leventhal, AM | 14 | 11/16/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | No | | Associations of cannabis product source and subsequent cannabis use among adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||||||
02/25/2022 | Differences in young adults’ perceptions of and willingness to use nicotine pouches by tobacco use status | 429 | 04/22/2025 | Tobacco | Vogel, E. A., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Kechter, A., Tackett, A. P., Liu, F., Sussman, S., Lerman, C., Unger, J. B., Hughes Halbert, C., Chaffee, B. W., & Leventhal, A. M. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Tackett, AP | Sussman, S | Lerman, C | Unger, JB | Leventhal, AM | 7 | 11/16/2022 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 4.614,00 | Yes | No | | Differences in young adults’ perceptions of and willingness to use nicotine pouches by tobacco use status | ||||||||||||||||||
03/03/2022 | The relationship of alcohol and other drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic among people with or at risk of HIV; A cross-sectional survey of people enrolled in Collaborating Consortium of Cohorts Producing NIDA Opportunities (C3PNO) cohorts | 424 | 04/22/2025 | Alcohol | Pytell, J. D., Shen, N. M., Keruly, J. C., Lesko, C. R., Lau, B., Fojo, A. T., Baum, M. K., Gorbach, P. M., Javanbakht, M., Kipke, M., Kirk, G. D., Mustanski, B., Shoptaw, S., Siminski, S., Moore, R. D., & Chander, G. | Kipke, M | 5 | 11/16/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | No | No | | The relationship of alcohol and other drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic among people with or at risk of HIV; A cross-sectional survey of people enrolled in Collaborating Consortium of Cohorts Producing NIDA Opportunities (C3PNO) cohorts | |||||||||||||||||||||||
03/03/2022 | Substance and Behavioral Addictions among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations | 431 | 04/22/2025 | SUD | Soto, C., West, A. E., Ramos, G. G., & Unger, J. B. | Soto, C | Unger, JB | 0 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 4.614,00 | Yes | No | | Substance and Behavioral Addictions among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
03/08/2022 | Tobacco and cannabis use advertisements targeting adolescents and young adults on Snapchat in 2019 | 426 | 04/22/2025 | Poly | Majmundar, A., Chu, M., Perez, C., Hoang, Y., Yuan, J., Unger, J. B., & Allem, J.-P. | Unger, JB | Allem, JP | 7 | 11/16/2022 | Preventive Medicine Reports | 2.813,00 | Yes | No | | Tobacco and cannabis use advertisements targeting adolescents and young adults on Snapchat in 2019 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/15/2022 | The impact of e-cigarette product placement in music videos on susceptibility to use e-cigarettes among young adults: An experimental investigation | 421 | 04/22/2025 | Tobacco | Donaldson, S. I., Dormanesh, A., Escobedo, P., Majmundar, A., Kirkpatrick, M., & Allem, J.-P. | Kirkpatrick, M | Allem, JP | 68 | 11/16/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | Yes | No | | The impact of e-cigarette product placement in music videos on susceptibility to use e-cigarettes among young adults: An experimental investigation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/17/2022 | A content analysis of sports and energy drink advertising | 420 | 04/22/2025 | Other | Bleakley, A., Ellithorpe, M., Jordan, A., Hennessy, M., & Stevens, R. | Stevens, R | 14 | 11/16/2022 | Appetite | 5.016,00 | No | No | | A content analysis of sports and energy drink advertising | |||||||||||||||||||||||
03/17/2022 | Relationships of Cannabis Policy Liberalization With Alcohol Use and Co-Use With Cannabis: A Narrative Review | 430 | 04/22/2025 | Poly | Pacula, R. L., Smart, R., Lira, M. C., Pessar, S. C., Blanchette, J. G., & Naimi, T. S. | Pacula, RL | 0 | Alcohol Research Current Reviews | 7.654,00 | No | No | | Relationships of Cannabis Policy Liberalization With Alcohol Use and Co-Use With Cannabis: A Narrative Review | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
03/19/2022 | Recognition of cartoon-based e-cigarette-related marketing is associated with e-cigarette use among adolescents | 428 | 04/22/2025 | Tobacco | Kirkpatrick, M. G., Dormanesh, A., & Allem, J.-P. | Kirkpatrick, M | Allem, JP | 65 | 11/16/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | Yes | No | | Recognition of cartoon-based e-cigarette-related marketing is associated with e-cigarette use among adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/22/2022 | Predictors of protein intake among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California | 433 | 05/22/2025 | Poly | Bolshakova, M., Kral, A. H., Wenger, L. D., Simpson, K., Goldshear, J., Sussman, S., & Bluthenthal, R. N. | Sussman, S | Bluethenthal, RN | 3 | 11/16/2022 | The American Journal on Addictions | Yes | No | | Predictors of protein intake among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California | |||||||||||||||||||||||
03/22/2022 | Failed Attempts to Quit Combustible Cigarettes and e-Cigarettes Among US Adolescents | 442 | 05/22/2025 | Tobacco | Miech, R., Leventhal, A. M., O’Malley, P. M., Johnston, L. D., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L | Leventhal, AM | Barrington-Trimis, JL | 164 | 11/10/2022 | JAMA | 4.446,00 | Yes | No | | Failed Attempts to Quit Combustible Cigarettes and e-Cigarettes Among US Adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/24/2022 | Substance Use, Financial Stress, Employment Disruptions, and Anxiety among Veterans during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 422 | 04/22/2025 | SUD | Tran, D. D., Fitzke, R. E., Wang, J., Davis, J. P., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | Pedersen, ER | 4 | 11/16/2022 | SAGE | 1.789,00 | Yes | Yes | | Substance Use, Financial Stress, Employment Disruptions, and Anxiety among Veterans during the COVID-19 Pandemic | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/24/2022 | Effects of cigarette abstinence on negative and positive affect by depression symptom levels: A lab study | 425 | 04/22/2025 | Tobacco | Pang, R. D., Chai, S. H., Tucker, C. J., Weinberger, A. H., D'Orazio, L. M., & Kirkpatrick, M. G. | Pang, RD | Kirkpatrick, M | 1 | 11/16/2022 | Journal of Affective Disorders | 6.533,00 | Yes | No | | Effects of cigarette abstinence on negative and positive affect by depression symptom levels: A lab study | ||||||||||||||||||||||
03/24/2022 | The Impact of Recent Tobacco Regulations and COVID-19 Restrictions and Implications for Future E-Cigarette Retail: Perspectives from Vape and Vape-and-Smoke Shop Merchants | 448 | 05/22/2025 | Tobacco | Duan, Z., Romm, K. F., Henriksen, L., Schleicher, N. C., Johnson, T. O., Wagener, T. L., Sussman, S. Y., Schillo, B. A., Huang, J., & Berg, C. J. | Sussman, SY | 0 | 11/16/2022 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 4.614,00 | No | No | | The Impact of Recent Tobacco Regulations and COVID-19 Restrictions and Implications for Future E-Cigarette Retail: Perspectives from Vape and Vape-and-Smoke Shop Merchants | |||||||||||||||||||||||
03/29/2022 | e-Cigarette Use and Combustible Cigarette Smoking Initiation Among Youth: Accounting for Time-Varying Exposure and Time-Dependent Confounding | 437 | 05/22/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A. F., Stokes, A. C., Brooks, D. R., Benjamin, E. J., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., & Ross, C. S. | Harlow, A | Barrington-Trimis, J | 22 | 11/10/2022 | Epidemiology | 486,00 | Yes | No | | e-Cigarette Use and Combustible Cigarette Smoking Initiation Among Youth: Accounting for Time-Varying Exposure and Time-Dependent Confounding | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Effects of multiple adverse childhood experiences on substance use in young adults: A review of the literature | 423 | 04/22/2025 | SUD | Rogers, C. J., Pakdaman, S., Forster, M., Sussman, S., Grigsby, T. J., Victoria, J., & Unger, J. B. | Sussman, S | Unger, JB | 8 | 11/16/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | No | | Effects of multiple adverse childhood experiences on substance use in young adults: A review of the literature | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Disparities in functioning from alcohol and cannabis use among a racially/ethnically diverse sample of emerging adults | 435 | 05/22/2025 | Poly | D’Amico, E. J., Rodriguez, A., Tucker, J. S., Dunbar, M. S., Pedersen, E. R., & Seelam, R. | Pedersen, ER | 12 | 11/16/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | No | No | | Disparities in functioning from alcohol and cannabis use among a racially/ethnically diverse sample of emerging adults | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Multi-Institutional Quality Improvement Project to Minimize Opioid Prescribing in Children after Appendectomy Using NSQIP-Pediatric | 439 | 05/22/2025 | Opioids | Kelley-Quon, L. I., Ourshalimian, S., Lee, J., Russell, K. W., Kling, K., Shew, S. B., Mueller, C., Jensen, A. R., Vu, L., Padilla, B., Ostlie, D., Smith, C., Inge, T., Roach, J., Ignacio, R., Lofberg, K., Radu, S., Rohan, A., & Wang, K. S. | Kelley-Quon, L | 258 | 11/16/2022 | Journal of the American College of Surgeons | 6.532,00 | No | No | | Multi-Institutional Quality Improvement Project to Minimize Opioid Prescribing in Children after Appendectomy Using NSQIP-Pediatric | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Prices and Purchase Sources for Dried Cannabis Flower in the United States, 2019–2020 | 446 | 05/22/2025 | Cannabis | Wadsworth, E., Driezen, P., Pacula, R. L., Kilmer, B., & Hammond, D. | Pacula, RL | 5 | 11/16/2022 | Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research | 4.786,00 | No | No | | Prices and Purchase Sources for Dried Cannabis Flower in the United States, 2019–2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Drinking with Friends: Measuring the Two-week Ecology of Drinking Behaviors | 450 | 06/22/2025 | Alcohol | Clapp, J. D., Madden, D. R., & Pakdaman, S. | Clapp, JD | 4 | 11/18/2022 | American Journal of Health Behavior | 2.006,00 | No | No | | Drinking with Friends: Measuring the Two-week Ecology of Drinking Behaviors | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/01/2022 | Approaching Addiction: A Brief History | 464 | 06/22/2025 | SUD | Sussman S & Wright E | Sussman, S | 1 | 11/18/2022 | English Language Notes | 0,00 | No | No | | Approaching Addiction: A Brief History | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/05/2022 | Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States | 444 | 05/22/2025 | Tobacco | Russell, K. W., Katz, M. G., Phillips, R. C., Kelley-Quon, L. I., Acker, S. N., Shahi, N., Lee, J. H., Fialkowski, E. A., Nacharaju, D., Smith, C. A., Jensen, A. R., Mueller, C. M., Padilla, B. E., Ignacio, R. C., Ourshalimian, S., Wang, K. S., Ostlie, D. J., Fenton, S. J., & Kastenberg, Z. J. | Kelley-Quon, L | 77 | 11/16/2022 | Journal of Surgical Research | 2.417,00 | No | No | | Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/06/2022 | On sex, drugs, and alcohol: a mixed-method analysis of youth posts on social media in the United States | 445 | 05/22/2025 | Poly | Stevens, R., Bonett, S., Kenyatta, K., Chittamuru, D., Bleakley, A., Jingyi Xu, J., Wang, Y., & Bush, N. | Stevens, R | 12 | 11/10/2022 | Journal of Children and Media | 2.716,00 | No | No | | On sex, drugs, and alcohol: a mixed-method analysis of youth posts on social media in the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/10/2022 | Cultural Competence as a Response to Structural Racism in Latino Substance Use and Access to Care in the United States | 436 | 05/22/2025 | SUD | Guerrero, E., Khachikian, T., C. Cervantes, R., Kaplan, C., D. Olate, R., & B. Unger, J. | Unger, JB | Kaplan, C | 1 | 11/16/2022 | Effective Elimination of Structural Racism | Yes | No | | Cultural Competence as a Response to Structural Racism in Latino Substance Use and Access to Care in the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/10/2022 | Artificial intelligence to identify harmful alcohol use after early liver transplant for alcohol-associated hepatitis | 440 | 05/22/2025 | Alcohol | Lee, B. P., Roth, N., Rao, P., Im, G. Y., Vogel, A. S., Hasbun, J., Roth, Y., Shenoy, A., Arvelakis, A., Ford, L., Dawe, I., Schiano, T. D., Davis, J. P., Rice, J. P., Eswaran, S., Weinberg, E., Han, H., Hsu, C., Fix, O. K., … Terrault, N. A | Davis, JP | Terrault, NA | 24 | 11/16/2022 | American Journal of Transplantation | 9.369,00 | Yes | Yes | | Artificial intelligence to identify harmful alcohol use after early liver transplant for alcohol-associated hepatitis | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/12/2022 | Increased Risk for Sexual Violence Victimization on Drinking Days Involving Pregaming | 443 | 05/22/2025 | Alcohol | Pedersen, E., Davis, J. P., Setodji, C., Dworkin, E. R., Leamon, I., Hummer, J. F., Zutshi, R., & Clapp, J. D. | Pedersen, E | Davis, JP | Clapp, JD | 4 | 11/10/2022 | Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma | Yes | Yes | | Increased Risk for Sexual Violence Victimization on Drinking Days Involving Pregaming | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/17/2022 | Associations among affect, diet, and activity and binge-eating severity using ecological momentary assessment in a non-clinical sample of middle-aged fathers | 248 | 04/21/2025 | Other | Mason TB, Do B, Chu D, Belcher BR, Dunton GF, Lopez NV | Mason, TB | 4 | 08/08/2022 | Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity | 3.008,00 | No | No | | Associations among affect, diet, and activity and binge-eating severity using ecological momentary assessment in a non-clinical sample of middle-aged fathers | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/22/2022 | Longitudinal trajectories of prescription opioid misuse in adolescents | 438 | 05/22/2025 | Opioids | Kelley-Quon, L. I., Cho, J., Barrington-Trimis, J., Kipke, M. D., Clapp, J. D., Krueger, E. A., & Leventhal, A. M. | Kelley-Quon, L | Cho, J | Barrington-Trimis, J | Kipke, MD | Clapp, JD | Krueger, EA | Leventhal, AM | 8 | 11/16/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | No | | Longitudinal trajectories of prescription opioid misuse in adolescents | |||||||||||||||||
04/22/2022 | Impact of cannabis legalization on healthcare utilization for psychosis and schizophrenia in Colorado | 447 | 05/22/2025 | Cannabis | Wang, G. S., Buttorff, C., Wilks, A., Schwam, D., Tung, G., & Pacula, R. L. | Pacula, RL | 47 | 11/16/2022 | International Journal of Drug Policy | 5.931,00 | No | No | | Impact of cannabis legalization on healthcare utilization for psychosis and schizophrenia in Colorado | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/23/2022 | Changes in perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic among American veterans | 452 | 06/22/2025 | Other | Davis, J. P., Prindle, J., Saba, S. K., Tran, D. D., Lee, D. S., Sedano, A., Castro, C. A., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | Pedersen, ER | 4 | 11/18/2022 | Stress & Health | 3.454,00 | Yes | No | | Changes in perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic among American veterans | ||||||||||||||||||||||
04/26/2022 | The moderating role of sleep duration on momentary relations between negative affect and loss-of-control eating in children and adolescents | 441 | 05/22/2025 | Manasse, S. M., Haedt‐Matt, A. A., Smith, K. E., Egbert, A. H., O’Sullivan, K., Koren, D., Engel, S., & Goldschmidt, A. B. | Smith, KE | 1 | 11/10/2022 | European Eating Disorders Review | 536,00 | No | No | | The moderating role of sleep duration on momentary relations between negative affect and loss-of-control eating in children and adolescents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
04/27/2022 | Association Between Dispositional Mindfulness, Clinical Characteristics, and Emotion Regulation in Women Entering Substance Use Disorder Treatment: an fMRI Study | 453 | 06/22/2025 | SUD | Droutman, V., Poppa, T., Monterosso, J., Black, D., & Amaro, H. | Monterosso, J | 2 | 11/11/2022 | Mindfulness | 3.801,00 | No | No | | Association Between Dispositional Mindfulness, Clinical Characteristics, and Emotion Regulation in Women Entering Substance Use Disorder Treatment: an fMRI Study | |||||||||||||||||||||||
04/28/2022 | Ice flavours and non-menthol synthetic cooling agents in e-cigarette products: a review | 461 | 06/22/2025 | Tobacco | Leventhal AM, Tackett AP, Whitted L, Jordt SE, Jabba SV | Leventhal, AM | Tackett, AP | 14 | 11/18/2022 | Tobacco Control | 6.953,00 | Yes | No | | Ice flavours and non-menthol synthetic cooling agents in e-cigarette products: a review | ||||||||||||||||||||||
05/01/2022 | P13. Dissecting the Association of CYP2A6 With Nicotine Metabolism in African American Smokers | 463 | 06/22/2025 | Tobacco | Pouget J, El-Boraje A, Lerman C, Knight J, Cox LS, Nollen NL, Ahluwalia JS, Chenoweth MJ, & Tyndale RF | Lerman, C | 1 | 11/18/2022 | Biological Psychiatry | 1.281,00 | No | No | | P13. Dissecting the Association of CYP2A6 With Nicotine Metabolism in African American Smokers | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/02/2022 | Opioid and Naloxone Prescribing Following Insertion of Prompts in the Electronic Health Record to Encourage Compliance With California State Opioid Law | 454 | 06/22/2025 | Opioids | Duan, L., Lee, M.-S., Adams, J. L., Sharp, A. L., & Doctor, J. N. | Doctor, JN | 27 | 11/18/2022 | JAMA Network Open | 13.366,00 | No | No | | Opioid and Naloxone Prescribing Following Insertion of Prompts in the Electronic Health Record to Encourage Compliance With California State Opioid Law | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/02/2022 | Neighborhood social environment change in late adolescence predicts substance use in emerging adulthood | 462 | 06/22/2025 | SUD | Perez LG, Tucker JS, Pedersen ER, Troxel WM, Rodriguez A, Firth CL, Seelam R, Shih RA, & D'Amico EJ | Pedersen, ER | 4 | 11/18/2022 | Health & Place | 4.931,00 | No | No | | Neighborhood social environment change in late adolescence predicts substance use in emerging adulthood | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/05/2022 | A chocolate cake or a chocolate vape? Young adults describe their relationship with food and weight in the context of nicotine vaping | 456 | 06/22/2025 | Tobacco | Kechter, A., Ceasar, R. C., Simpson, K. A., Schiff, S. J., Dunton, G. F., Bluthenthal, R. N., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Ceasar, R | Bluethenthal, RN | Barrington-Trimis, JB | 6 | 11/18/2022 | Appetite | 5.016,00 | Yes | No | | A chocolate cake or a chocolate vape? Young adults describe their relationship with food and weight in the context of nicotine vaping | |||||||||||||||||||||
05/06/2022 | What’s sleep got to do with it? Longitudinal associations between insomnia, PTSD, and alcohol use among U.S. Veterans | 451 | 06/22/2025 | Alcohol | Davis, J. P., Prindle, J., Saba, S. K., DiGuiseppi, G. T., Hummer, J., Lee, D. S., Fitzke, R., Sedano, A., Castro, C. A., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | Pedersen, ER | 3 | 11/18/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | Yes | No | | What’s sleep got to do with it? Longitudinal associations between insomnia, PTSD, and alcohol use among U.S. Veterans | ||||||||||||||||||||||
05/06/2022 | “I Feel Validated”: Participation in a Medical Cannabis Program in the Context of Legalized Recreational Use | 457 | 06/22/2025 | Cannabis | Khurana, S., Fedorova, E. V., Kaur, H., Mitchell, A., Kosdon, S., Ataiants, J., Conn, B., Wong, C., & Lankenau, S. E. | Conn, B. | Wong, C. | 11 | 11/18/2022 | Journal of Drug Issues | 167,00 | Yes | No | | “I Feel Validated”: Participation in a Medical Cannabis Program in the Context of Legalized Recreational Use | ||||||||||||||||||||||
05/07/2022 | Sun protection changes among diverse elementary schoolchildren participating in a sun safety intervention: A latent transition analysis of a randomized controlled trial | 290 | 05/21/2025 | Other | Miller KA, Huh J, Piombo SE, Richardson JL, Harris SC, Peng DH, Cockburn MG. | Huh, J | 7 | 08/10/2022 | Preventive Medicine | 117,00 | No | No | | Sun protection changes among diverse elementary schoolchildren participating in a sun safety intervention: A latent transition analysis of a randomized controlled trial | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/07/2022 | Towards consensus in conceptualizing and operationalizing physical activity maintenance | 455 | 06/22/2025 | Other | Dunton, G. F., Leventhal, A. M., Rebar, A. L., Gardner, B., Intille, S. S., & Rothman, A. J. | Leventhal, AM | 13 | 11/18/2022 | Psychology of Sport and Exercise | 5.118,00 | No | No | | Towards consensus in conceptualizing and operationalizing physical activity maintenance | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/09/2022 | Alcohol use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first 42 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic | 460 | 06/22/2025 | Alcohol | Leventhal AM, Cho J, Ray LA, Pacula RL, Lee BP, Terrault N, Pedersen E, Lee JO, Davis JP, Jin H, Huh J, Wilson JP, Whaley RC | Leventhal, AM | Cho, J | Pacula, RL | Lee, BP | Terrault, N | Pedersen, E | Lee, JO | Davis, JP | Jin, H | Huh, J | 14 | 11/18/2022 | Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research | 0,00 | Yes | Yes | | Alcohol use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first 42 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic | ||||||||||||||
05/12/2022 | Risk factors for intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: Impact of childhood adversities | 449 | 06/22/2025 | Other | Choi, Y. J., Rai, A., Yun, S. H., Lee, J. O., Hong, S., Cho, H., & An, S. | Lee, JO | 3 | 11/11/2022 | Journal of American College Health | 2.395,00 | No | No | | Risk factors for intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: Impact of childhood adversities | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/19/2022 | Lucy—Novel Flavored Nicotine Gum, Lozenges, and Pouches: Are They Misleading Consumers? | 465 | 06/22/2025 | Tobacco | Unger JB, Barker J, Cruz TB, Leventhal AM, & Pentz MA | Unger, JB | Leventhal, AM | Pentz, MA | 2 | 11/18/2022 | Substance Use & Misuse | 2.362,00 | Yes | No | | Lucy—Novel Flavored Nicotine Gum, Lozenges, and Pouches: Are They Misleading Consumers? | |||||||||||||||||||||
05/20/2022 | Buprenorphine implementation at syringe service programs following waiver of the Ryan Haight Act in the United States | 458 | 06/22/2025 | Opioids | Lambdin BH, Bluthenthal RN, Tookes HE, Wenger L, Morris T, LaKosky P, Kral AH | Bluthenthal, RN | 42 | 11/18/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | No | No | | Buprenorphine implementation at syringe service programs following waiver of the Ryan Haight Act in the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/23/2022 | Comparison of Medical Cannabis Use Reported on a Confidential Survey vs Documented in the Electronic Health Record Among Primary Care Patients | 473 | 07/22/2025 | Cannabis | Lapham, G. T., Matson, T. E., Carrell, D. S., Bobb, J. F., Luce, C., Oliver, M. M., Ghitza, U. E., Hsu, C., Browne, K. C., Binswanger, I. A., Campbell, C. I., Saxon, A. J., Vandrey, R., Schauer, G. L., Pacula, R. L., Horberg, M. A., Bailey, S. R., McClure, E. A., & Bradley, K. A. | Pacula, RL | 13 | 11/21/2022 | Jama Network Open | 13.366,00 | No | No | | Comparison of Medical Cannabis Use Reported on a Confidential Survey vs Documented in the Electronic Health Record Among Primary Care Patients | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/28/2022 | Predictors of Functioning and Recovery Among Men and Women Veterans with Schizophrenia | 471 | 07/22/2025 | Other | Goodsmith, N., Cohen, A. N., Pedersen, E. R., Evans, E., Young, A. S., & Hamilton, A. B. | Pedersen, ER | 3 | 12/14/2022 | Community Mental Health Journal | 2.469,00 | No | No | | Predictors of Functioning and Recovery Among Men and Women Veterans with Schizophrenia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/28/2022 | Best practices for community-based overdose education and naloxone distribution programs: Results from using the delphi approach. | 482 | 07/22/2025 | SUD | Wenger, L. D., Doe-Simkins, M., Wheeler, E., Ongais, L., Morris, T., Bluthenthal, R. N., Kral, A. H., & Lambdin, B. H. | Bluthenthal, RN | 21 | 11/21/2022 | Harm Reduction Journal | 4.756,00 | No | No | | Best practices for community-based overdose education and naloxone distribution programs: Results from using the delphi approach. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05/31/2022 | Young adults’ perceived impact of covid-19 pandemic on sleep and other functioning: Does it differ for sexual/gender and racial/ethnic minorities? | 481 | 07/22/2025 | Other | Tucker, J. S., Dunbar, M. S., Perez, L. G., Seelam, R., Troxel, W. M., Davis, J. P., & D’Amico, E. J. | Dunbar, MS | Davis, JP | D'Amico, EJ | 5 | 11/21/2022 | Behavioral Sleep Medicine | 3.492,00 | Yes | Yes | | Young adults’ perceived impact of covid-19 pandemic on sleep and other functioning: Does it differ for sexual/gender and racial/ethnic minorities? | |||||||||||||||||||||
06/07/2022 | Noticing people, discounts and non-tobacco flavours in e-cigarette ads may increase e-cigarette product appeal among non-tobacco-using young adults | 469 | 07/22/2025 | Tobacco | Chen-Sankey, J., Jeong, M., Wackowski, O. A., Unger, J. B., Niederdeppe, J., Bernat, E., Bansal-Travers, M., Moran, M., Kennedy, R. D., Broun, A., Hacker, K., & Choi, K. | Unger, JB | 11 | 12/14/2022 | Tobacco Control | 6.953,00 | No | No | | Noticing people, discounts and non-tobacco flavours in e-cigarette ads may increase e-cigarette product appeal among non-tobacco-using young adults | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06/09/2022 | Peer Crowd Identification of Young and Early Middle Adulthood Customers at Vape Shops | 479 | 07/22/2025 | Tobacco | Sussman, S., Galimov, A., Meza, L., Huh, J., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., & Pokhrel, P. | Sussman, S | Huh, J | Baezconde-Garbanati, L | 7 | 12/14/2022 | Journal of Drug Education | 24,00 | Yes | Yes | | Peer Crowd Identification of Young and Early Middle Adulthood Customers at Vape Shops | |||||||||||||||||||||
06/15/2022 | Centering racial justice for Black/African American and Indigenous American people in commercial tobacco product regulation | 468 | 07/22/2025 | Tobacco | Breland, A. B., Carroll, D., Denlinger-Apte, R., Ross, J. C., Soto, C., White, C., Donny, E. C., Fagan, P., Gardiner, P., Eissenberg, T., & Guy, M. C. | Soto, C | 13 | 12/14/2022 | Preventive Medicine | 4.637,00 | No | No | | Centering racial justice for Black/African American and Indigenous American people in commercial tobacco product regulation | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06/16/2022 | Factors Associated With Safe Prescription Opioid Disposal After Surgery in Adolescents | 477 | 07/22/2025 | Opioids | Odegard, M. N., Ourshalimian, S., Hijaz, D., Chen, S. Y., Kim, E., Illingworth, K., & Kelley-Quon, L. I. | Kelley-Quon, L | 7 | 12/14/2022 | Journal of Surgical Research | 2.417,00 | No | No | | Factors Associated With Safe Prescription Opioid Disposal After Surgery in Adolescents | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06/18/2022 | A mobile-based pregaming drinking prevention intervention for college students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | 478 | 07/22/2025 | Alcohol | Pedersen, E. R., Hummer, J. F., Davis, J. P., Fitzke, R. E., Christie, N. C., Witkiewitz, K., & Clapp, J. D. | Pedersen, ER | Davis, JP | Clapp, JD | 5 | 11/21/2022 | Addiction Science and Clinical Practice | 4.329,00 | Yes | Yes | | A mobile-based pregaming drinking prevention intervention for college students: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | |||||||||||||||||||||
06/20/2022 | Evaluating the efficacy of a mobile app (Drinks:Ration) to reduce alcohol consumption in a help-seeking military veteran population: Randomised Controlled Trial | 459 | 06/22/2025 | Alcohol | Leightley D, Williamson C, Rona R, Carr E, Shearer J, Davis JP, Simms A, Fear N, Goodwin L, Murphy D | Davis, JP | 36 | 11/18/2022 | JMIR mHealth and uHealth | 4.967,00 | No | No | | Evaluating the efficacy of a mobile app (Drinks:Ration) to reduce alcohol consumption in a help-seeking military veteran population: Randomised Controlled Trial | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06/24/2022 | Factors associated with self-reported avoidance of harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic by people who use drugs in five cities in the United States and Canada | 470 | 07/22/2025 | SUD | Feder, K. A., Choi, J. C., Schluth, C., Hayashi, K., DeBeck, K., Milloy, M.-J., Kirk, G., Mehta, S. H., Kipke, M., Moore, R. D., Baum, M. K., Shoptaw, S., Gorbach, P. M., Mustanski, B., Javanbakht, M., Siminski, S., & Genberg, B. L. | Kipke, M | 3 | 12/14/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | No | No | | Factors associated with self-reported avoidance of harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic by people who use drugs in five cities in the United States and Canada | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06/26/2022 | An abstract parabolic system-based physics-informed long short-term memory network for estimating breath alcohol concentration from transdermal alcohol biosensor data | 495 | 08/22/2025 | Alcohol | Oszkinat, C., Luczak, S. E., & Rosen, I. G. (2022). | Luczak, S | KSOM | 1 | 01/26/2022 | Neural Computing and Applications | No | No | No | No | | An abstract parabolic system-based physics-informed long short-term memory network for estimating breath alcohol concentration from transdermal alcohol biosensor data | |||||||||||||||||||||
06/29/2022 | Buprenorphine and naloxone access in pharmacies within high overdose areas of Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic. | 486 | 08/22/2025 | SUD | Dadiomov, D., Bolshakova, M., Mikhaeilyan, M., & Trotzky-Sirr, R. | Dadiomov, D | School of Pharmacy | Trotzky-Sirr, R | KSOM | 7 | 01/26/2022 | Harm Reduction Journal | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Buprenorphine and naloxone access in pharmacies within high overdose areas of Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic. | ||||||||||||||||||||
07/01/2022 | Trends in the use of cannabis products in Canada and the USA, 2018 – 2020: Findings from the International Cannabis Policy Study | 472 | 07/22/2025 | Cannabis | Hammond, D., Goodman, S., Wadsworth, E., Freeman, T. P., Kilmer, B., Schauer, G., Pacula, R. L., & Hall, W. | Pacula, RL | 8 | 12/14/2022 | International Journal of Drug Policy | 5.931,00 | No | No | | Trends in the use of cannabis products in Canada and the USA, 2018 – 2020: Findings from the International Cannabis Policy Study | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07/01/2022 | Concentration of Cannabis and Tobacco Retailers in Los Angeles County, California: A Spatial Analysis of Potential Effects on Youth and Ethnic Minorities | 497 | 08/22/2025 | Poly | Rhee, J. U., Vieira, V. M., Firth, C. L., Pedersen, E. R., Dunbar, M. S., & Timberlake, D. S. | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 03/31/2023 | No | No | No | No | | Concentration of Cannabis and Tobacco Retailers in Los Angeles County, California: A Spatial Analysis of Potential Effects on Youth and Ethnic Minorities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
07/05/2022 | Project SUN: Pilot Study of a Culturally Adapted Smoking Cessation Curriculum for American Indian Youth | 496 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Ramos, G. G., Sussman, S., Moerner, L., Unger, J. B., & Soto, C. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Soto, C | KSOM | 1 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Drug Education | Yes | No | No | No | | Project SUN: Pilot Study of a Culturally Adapted Smoking Cessation Curriculum for American Indian Youth | |||||||||||||||||
07/07/2022 | Prospective associations of tobacco weight control beliefs with e-cigarette use patterns in the path study. | 492 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Mason, T. B., Tackett, A. P., Kechter, A., & Leventhal, A. M. | Mason, TB | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Tackett, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 2 | 01/26/2022 | Substance Use & Misuse | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Prospective associations of tobacco weight control beliefs with e-cigarette use patterns in the path study. | |||||||||||||||||
07/08/2022 | California cannabis markets—why industry-friendly regulation is not good public health. | 501 | 08/22/2025 | Cannabis | Young-Wolff, K. C., Pacula, R. L., & Silver, L. D. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 30 | 01/26/2022 | JAMA Health Forum | No | No | No | No | | California cannabis markets—why industry-friendly regulation is not good public health. | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/11/2022 | Association between exposure to tobacco content on social media and tobacco use. | 487 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Donaldson, S. I., Dormanesh, A., Perez, C., Majmundar, A., & Allem, J.-P. | Allem, J | KSOM | 468 | 01/26/2022 | JAMA | No | No | No | No | | Association between exposure to tobacco content on social media and tobacco use. | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/12/2022 | Providing low-barrier addiction treatment via a telemedicine consultation service during the COVID-19 pandemic in Los Angeles, county: An assessment 1 year later. | 491 | 08/22/2025 | Other | Kennedy, A. J., George, J. S., Rossetti, G., Brown, C. O., Ragins, K., Dadiomov, D., Trotzky-Sirr, R., Sanchez, G., Llamas, H., & Hurley, B. | Dadiomov, D | School of Pharmacy | Trotzky-Sirr, R | KSOM | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Addiction Medicine | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Providing low-barrier addiction treatment via a telemedicine consultation service during the COVID-19 pandemic in Los Angeles, county: An assessment 1 year later. | |||||||||||||||||||
07/15/2022 | Syndemic Profiles for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Sextually Transmitted Infections Among Mexican American Women Formerly Affiliated with Youth Street Gangs | 493 | 08/22/2025 | Other | Nowotny, K. M., Valdez, A., & Cepeda, A. | Valdez, A | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Cepeda, A | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 2 | 01/26/2022 | Aids and Behavior | Yes | No | No | No | | Syndemic Profiles for HIV, Hepatitis C, and Sextually Transmitted Infections Among Mexican American Women Formerly Affiliated with Youth Street Gangs | |||||||||||||||||||
07/15/2022 | Illicit and prescription drug use and psychotic experiences among university students in the United States | 494 | 08/22/2025 | Other | Oh, H., Rajkumar, R., Banawa, R., Zhou, S., & Koyanagi, A. | Oh, H | KSOM | 3 | 01/26/2022 | Journal of Substance Use | No | No | No | No | | Illicit and prescription drug use and psychotic experiences among university students in the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||
07/16/2022 | Providing low-barrier addiction treatment via a telemedicine consultation service during the COVID-19 pandemic in Los Angeles, county: An assessment 1 year later. | 513 | 09/22/2025 | Other | Kennedy, A. J., George, J. S., Rossetti, G., Brown, C. O., Ragins, K., Dadiomov, D., Trotzky-Sirr, R., Sanchez, G., Llamas, H., & Hurley, B. | Dadiomov, D | School of Pharmacy | Trotzky-Sirr, R | KSOM | 3 | 01/26/2022 | Journal of Addiction Medicine | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Providing low-barrier addiction treatment via a telemedicine consultation service during the COVID-19 pandemic in Los Angeles, county: An assessment 1 year later. | |||||||||||||||||||
07/21/2022 | Sex differences in the association of e-cigarette and cigarette use and dual use with self-reported hypertension incidence in US adults. | 498 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Shi, H., Leventhal, A. M., Wen, Q., Ossip, D. J., & Li, D. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 9 | 01/26/2022 | Nicotine and Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Sex differences in the association of e-cigarette and cigarette use and dual use with self-reported hypertension incidence in US adults. | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2022 | Rating the comparative efficacy of state-level cannabis policies on recreational cannabis markets in the United States | 467 | 07/22/2025 | Cannabis | Blanchette, J. G., Pacula, R. L., Smart, R., Lira, M. C., Boustead, A. E., Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., Kerr, W. C., Treffers, R., & Naimi, T. S. | Pacula, RL | 12 | 12/14/2022 | International Journal of Drug Policy | 5.931,00 | No | No | | Rating the comparative efficacy of state-level cannabis policies on recreational cannabis markets in the United States | |||||||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2022 | Change in distress about police brutality and substance use among young people, 2017–2020 | 475 | 07/22/2025 | SUD | Mattingly, D. T., Howard, L. C., Krueger, E. A., Fleischer, N. L., Hughes-Halbert, C., & Leventhal, A. M. | Krueger, EA | Leventhal, AM | 10 | 12/14/2022 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 4.852,00 | Yes | Yes | | Change in distress about police brutality and substance use among young people, 2017–2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
08/01/2022 | Longitudinal associations between flavored tobacco use and tobacco product cessation in a national sample of adults | 499 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Steeger, C. M., Harlow, A. F., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Simon, P., Hill, K. G., & Leventhal, A. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 6 | 03/31/2023 | Preventative Medicine | Yes | No | No | No | | Longitudinal associations between flavored tobacco use and tobacco product cessation in a national sample of adults | |||||||||||||||||
08/01/2022 | Prospective association between e‐cigarette use frequency patterns and cigarette smoking abstinence among adult cigarette smokers in the United States. | 509 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A. F., Stokes, A. C., Brooks, D. R., Benjamin, E. J., Leventhal, A. M., McConnell, R. S., Barrington‐Trimis, J. L., & Ross, C. S. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 58 | 03/31/2023 | Addiction | Yes | No | No | No | | Prospective association between e‐cigarette use frequency patterns and cigarette smoking abstinence among adult cigarette smokers in the United States. | |||||||||||||||||
08/04/2022 | Lifetime personal cigarette smoking and risk of young-onset breast cancer by subtype among non-Hispanic black and white women in the Young Women's Health History Study. | 511 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Ihenacho, U., Hamilton, A. S., Mack, W. J., Wu, A. H., Unger, J. B., Pathak, D. R., Hirko, K. A., Houang, R. T., Press, M. F., Schwartz, K. L., Marcus, L. R., & Velie, E. M. | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 01/26/2022 | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | No | No | No | No | | Lifetime personal cigarette smoking and risk of young-onset breast cancer by subtype among non-Hispanic black and white women in the Young Women's Health History Study. | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/04/2022 | Geographic density of gastroenterologists is associated with decreased mortality from alcohol-associated liver disease. | 514 | 09/22/2025 | Alcohol | Lee, B. P., Dodge, J. L., & Terrault, N. A. | Lee, B | KSOM | Terrault, N | KSOM | 46 | 03/31/2023 | Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Yes | No | No | No | | Geographic density of gastroenterologists is associated with decreased mortality from alcohol-associated liver disease. | |||||||||||||||||||
08/05/2022 | Non-daily Cigarette Smoking: Stability and transition to abstinence in young adults. | 508 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Doran, N., Myers, M., Luczak, S., Trim, R., Strong, D., & Tully, L. | Luczak, S | KSOM | 1 | 03/31/2023 | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | No | No | No | No | | Non-daily Cigarette Smoking: Stability and transition to abstinence in young adults. | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/08/2022 | Adolescent use of flavored non-tobacco oral nicotine products. | 510 | 09/22/2025 | Other | Harlow, A. F., Vogel, E. A., Tackett, A. P., Cho, J., Han, D.-H., Wong, M., Cockburn, M. G., Sussman, S. Y., Unger, J. B., Leventhal, A. M., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tackett, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Han, D | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 5 | 01/26/2022 | Pediatrics | Yes | No | No | No | | Adolescent use of flavored non-tobacco oral nicotine products. | |||||||
08/22/2022 | Association of Fatal Overdose Notification Letters With Prescription of Benzodiazepines Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial | 483 | 08/22/2025 | Other | Kelley, M. A., Lev, R., Lucas, J., Knight, T., Stewart, E., Menchine, M., & Doctor, J. N. | Doctor, JN | KSOM | 25 | 08/26/2022 | JAMA Internal Medicine | 4.446,00 | No | No | | Association of Fatal Overdose Notification Letters With Prescription of Benzodiazepines Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial | ||||||||||||||||||||||
08/22/2022 | Association of Fatal Overdose Notification Letters with prescription of benzodiazepines. | 512 | 09/22/2025 | Opioids | Kelley, M. A., Lev, R., Lucas, J., Knight, T., Stewart, E., Menchine, M., & Doctor, J. N. | Menchine, M | KSOM | Doctor, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 42 | 01/26/2022 | JAMA Internal Medicine | Yes | No | No | No | | Association of Fatal Overdose Notification Letters with prescription of benzodiazepines. | |||||||||||||||||||
08/23/2022 | Dual use of e-cigarettes and cannabis among young people in America: A new public health hurdle? | 516 | 09/22/2025 | Poly | Roberts, M. E., Tackett, A. P., Singer, J. M., Wagner, D. D., Lu, B., Wagener, T. L., Brinkman, M., Klein, E. G., Vickerman, K. A., Wold, L. E., Gumina, R. J., & Mohler, P. J. | Tackett, AP | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | No | No | No | No | | Dual use of e-cigarettes and cannabis among young people in America: A new public health hurdle? | |||||||||||||||||||||
08/25/2022 | Associations between depression, stress, and e-cigarette use among OEF/OIF veterans. | 517 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Tran, D. D., Davis, J. P., Ring, C., Wang, J., Fitzke, R. E., Leventhal, A. M., & Pedersen, E. R. | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 6 | 01/26/2022 | Military Psychology | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Associations between depression, stress, and e-cigarette use among OEF/OIF veterans. | |||||||||||||||||
08/26/2022 | A population model‐based linear‐quadratic gaussian compensator for the control of intravenously infused alcohol studies and withdrawal symptom prophylaxis using transdermal sensing. | 518 | 09/22/2025 | Alcohol | Yao, M., Luczak, S. E., Saldich, E. B., & Rosen, I. G. | Luczak, S | KSOM | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | No | No | No | No | | A population model‐based linear‐quadratic gaussian compensator for the control of intravenously infused alcohol studies and withdrawal symptom prophylaxis using transdermal sensing. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/01/2022 | Depression and perceptions of social norms and harms for electronic and combustible cigarette use: Associations with tobacco use in college students | 480 | 07/22/2025 | Tobacco | Tran, D. D., Oh, H., Zhou, S., & Pedersen, E. R. | Pedersen, ER | 6 | 12/14/2022 | Psychiatry Research Communications | 0,00 | No | No | | Depression and perceptions of social norms and harms for electronic and combustible cigarette use: Associations with tobacco use in college students | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/01/2022 | Test of daily app-based mindfulness meditation preceding a planned smoking quit attempt date on abstinence: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial recruiting across the 58 counties of California | 485 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Black, D. S., & Kirkpatrick, M. | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | 2 | 03/31/2023 | Contemporary Clinical Trials | No | No | No | No | | Test of daily app-based mindfulness meditation preceding a planned smoking quit attempt date on abstinence: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial recruiting across the 58 counties of California | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/01/2022 | Motivations for e-cigarette use and associations with vaping frequency and smoking abstinence among adults who smoke cigarettes in the United States. | 488 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Harlow, A. F., Cho, J., Tackett, A. P., McConnell, R. S., Leventhal, A. M., Stokes, A. C., & Barrington-Trimis, J. L. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tackett, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 10 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | No | No | No | | Motivations for e-cigarette use and associations with vaping frequency and smoking abstinence among adults who smoke cigarettes in the United States. | |||||||||||||
09/01/2022 | Tobacco product use and the risks of SARS-COV-2 infection and COVID-19: Current understanding and recommendations for future research. | 503 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Benowitz, N. L., Goniewicz, M. L., Halpern-Felsher, B., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Ling, P. M., O'Connor, R. J., Pentz, M. A., Robertson, R. M., & Bhatnagar, A. | Pentz, MA | KSOM | 59 | 03/31/2023 | The Lancet Respiratory Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Tobacco product use and the risks of SARS-COV-2 infection and COVID-19: Current understanding and recommendations for future research. | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/03/2022 | Sociodemographic differences in opioid use and recovery following ambulatory pediatric Urologic Procedures. | 525 | 10/22/2025 | Opioids | Zhu, T., Baker, Z. G., Trabold, M., Kelley-Quon, L. I., Basin, M. F., Vazirani, R., Chen, J., & Kokorowski, P. J. | Kelley-Quon, L | KSOM | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Child Health Care | No | No | No | No | | Sociodemographic differences in opioid use and recovery following ambulatory pediatric Urologic Procedures. | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/13/2022 | Smoking-related psychosocial beliefs and justifications among smokers in India: Findings from tobacco control policy (TCP) India Surveys. | 523 | 10/22/2025 | Tobacco | Sidhu, A. K., Pednekar, M. S., Fong, G. T., Gupta, P. C., Quah, A. C., Unger, J., Sussman, S., Sood, N., Wipfli, H., & Valente, T. | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Wipfli, H | KSOM | 1 | 01/26/2022 | BMC Public Health | Yes | No | No | No | | Smoking-related psychosocial beliefs and justifications among smokers in India: Findings from tobacco control policy (TCP) India Surveys. | |||||||||||||||||
09/16/2022 | Changes in emergency department visits for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome following recreational cannabis legalization and subsequent commercialization in Ontario, Canada. | 522 | 10/22/2025 | Cannabis | Myran, D. T., Roberts, R., Pugliese, M., Taljaard, M., Tanuseputro, P., & Pacula, R. L. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 134 | Substance Use and Addiction | No | No | No | No | Changes in emergency department visits for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome following recreational cannabis legalization and subsequent commercialization in Ontario, Canada. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/23/2022 | Expert panel consensus on state-level policies to improve engagement and retention in treatment for opioid use disorder. | 524 | 10/22/2025 | Opioids | Smart, R., Grant, S., Gordon, A. J., Pacula, R. L., & Stein, B. D. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 9 | 01/26/2022 | JAMA Health Forum | No | No | No | No | | Expert panel consensus on state-level policies to improve engagement and retention in treatment for opioid use disorder. | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/23/2022 | Expert panel consensus on state-level policies to improve engagement and retention in treatment for opioid use disorder. | 550 | 12/22/2025 | Opioids | Smart, R., Grant, S., Gordon, A. J., Pacula, R. L., & Stein, B. D. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 10 | 03/30/2023 | JAMA Health Forum | No | No | No | No | | Expert panel consensus on state-level policies to improve engagement and retention in treatment for opioid use disorder. | |||||||||||||||||||||
09/26/2022 | A longitudinal study of alcohol and cannabis use in young adulthood: Exploring racial and ethnic differences in the effects of peer and parental influences from middle adolescence. | 489 | 08/22/2025 | Poly | Hummer, J. F., Tucker, J. S., Rodriguez, A., Davis, J. P., & D'Amico, E. J. | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | No | No | No | No | | A longitudinal study of alcohol and cannabis use in young adulthood: Exploring racial and ethnic differences in the effects of peer and parental influences from middle adolescence. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
09/26/2022 | Impulsivity and reward sensitivity facets as predictors of weight change in children: Differences by binge‐eating disorder diagnostic status. | 536 | 11/22/2025 | Other | Valdez, A., Smith, K. E., & Mason, T. B. | Valdez, A | KSOM | Smith, K | KSOM | Mason, T | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 1 | 03/31/2023 | Pediatric Obesity | Yes | Yes | No | No | | Impulsivity and reward sensitivity facets as predictors of weight change in children: Differences by binge‐eating disorder diagnostic status. | |||||||||||||||||
09/26/2022 | Impulsivity and reward sensitivity facets as predictors of weight change in children: Differences by binge‐eating disorder diagnostic status. | 551 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Valdez, A., Smith, K. E., & Mason, T. B. | Valdez, A | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Smith, K | KSOM | Mason, T | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 1 | 03/30/2023 | Pediatric Obesity | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Impulsivity and reward sensitivity facets as predictors of weight change in children: Differences by binge‐eating disorder diagnostic status. | |||||||||||||||||
10/01/2022 | Spatial and temporal trends in the diagnosis of opioid-related problems in commercially-insured adolescents and young adults. | 505 | 09/22/2025 | Opioids | Cohrs, A. C., Husnul Khotimah, D. E., Dick, A. W., Stein, B. D., Pacula, R. L., Druss, B. G., Kim, K., & Leslie, D. L. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 2 | 03/31/2023 | Preventive Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Spatial and temporal trends in the diagnosis of opioid-related problems in commercially-insured adolescents and young adults. | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/01/2022 | Drug use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. | 515 | 09/22/2025 | Other | Riehm, K. E., Cho, J., Smail, E. J., Pedersen, E., Lee, J. O., Davis, J. P., & Leventhal, A. M. | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Lee, JO | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Davis, J | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 5 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Psychiatric Research | Yes | No | No | No | | Drug use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. | |||||||||||||
10/02/2022 | Covid-19 vaccine uptake and attitudes within two cohorts of younger adult cannabis users. | 527 | 11/22/2025 | Cannabis | Fedorova, E. V., Wong, C. F., Conn, B. M., Ataiants, J., & Lankenau, S. E. | Conn, B. | KSOM | 2 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Drug Issues | 167,00 | No | No | No | No | | Covid-19 vaccine uptake and attitudes within two cohorts of younger adult cannabis users. | ||||||||||||||||||||
10/06/2022 | Global prevalence of smoking among individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | 526 | 11/22/2025 | Tobacco | Akbari, M., Seydavi, M., Chasson, G. S., Leventhal, A. M., & Lockwood, M. I. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 01/27/2022 | Health Psychology Review | No | No | No | No | | Global prevalence of smoking among individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/08/2022 | Using recovery management checkups for primary care to improve linkage to alcohol and other drug use treatment: A randomized controlled trial three month findings. | 533 | 11/22/2025 | Alcohol | Scott, C. K., Dennis, M. L., Grella, C. E., Watson, D. P., Davis, J. P., & Hart, M. K | Davis, J | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | 109 | 03/31/2023 | Addiction | No | No | No | No | | Using recovery management checkups for primary care to improve linkage to alcohol and other drug use treatment: A randomized controlled trial three month findings. | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/10/2022 | Trajectories of emerging adults’ binge drinking and depressive symptoms and associations with sexual violence victimization: Examining differences by sexual and gender minority status. | 534 | 11/22/2025 | Other | Siconolfi, D., Davis, J. P., Pedersen, E. R., Tucker, J. S., Dunbar, M. S., Rodriguez, A., & D’Amico, E. J. | Davis, J | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 6 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence | 2.621,00 | No | No | No | No | | Trajectories of emerging adults’ binge drinking and depressive symptoms and associations with sexual violence victimization: Examining differences by sexual and gender minority status. | ||||||||||||||||||
10/12/2022 | Regulation of cannabis retailers: Facilitating responsible adult use and promoting health equity while preventing access to minors. | 535 | 11/22/2025 | Cannabis | Unger, J. B. | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 01/27/2022 | American Journal of Public Health | No | No | No | No | | Regulation of cannabis retailers: Facilitating responsible adult use and promoting health equity while preventing access to minors. | |||||||||||||||||||||
10/28/2022 | Sex differences in regional gray matter density in pre-adolescent binge eating disorder: A Voxel-based morphometry study. | 546 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Murray, S. B., Diaz-Fong, J. P., Duval, C. J., Balkchyan, A. A., Nagata, J. M., Lee, D. J., Ganson, K. T., Toga, A. W., Siegel, S. J., & Jann, K. | Siegel, S | KSOM | 464 | 01/27/2023 | Psychological Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Sex differences in regional gray matter density in pre-adolescent binge eating disorder: A Voxel-based morphometry study. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2022 | Understanding daily life experiences of women who smoke: The role of smoking-related weight control expectancies | 474 | 07/22/2025 | Tobacco | Mason, T. B., Martinez, C., Dunton, G. F., Belcher, B. R., & Pang, R. D. | Mason, TB | Pang, RD | 2 | 12/14/2022 | Addictive Behaviors | 4.591,00 | Yes | No | | Understanding daily life experiences of women who smoke: The role of smoking-related weight control expectancies | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2022 | Vaping Media Literacy, harm perception, and susceptibility of e-cigarette use among youth. | 506 | 09/22/2025 | Tobacco | Dai, H. D., Ratnapradipa, K., Michaud, T. L., King, K. M., Guenzel, N., Tamrakar, N., Puga, T., & Sussman, S. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 51 | 03/31/2023 | American Journal of Preventive Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Vaping Media Literacy, harm perception, and susceptibility of e-cigarette use among youth. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2022 | Associations of attention problems and family context in childhood and adolescence with Young Adult Daily Smoking: General and smoking-specific family contexts. | 520 | 10/22/2025 | Tobacco | Lee, J. O., Hill, K. G., Jeong, C. H., Steeger, C., & Kosterman, R. | Lee, JO | KSOM | 2 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Associations of attention problems and family context in childhood and adolescence with Young Adult Daily Smoking: General and smoking-specific family contexts. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2022 | Modeling the longitudinal transitions of electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes with time-dependent covariates among adolescents. | 537 | 11/22/2025 | Tobacco | Yang, Z., Berhane, K., Leventhal, A. M., Liu, M., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., & Thomas, D. C. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 4 | 03/31/2023 | Preventive Medicine | Yes | No | No | No | | Modeling the longitudinal transitions of electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes with time-dependent covariates among adolescents. | |||||||||||||||||||
11/01/2022 | Impact of the e-cigarette era on cigarette smoking among youth in the United States: A population-level study. | 545 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Harrell, M. B., Mantey, D. S., Chen, B., Kelder, S. H., & Barrington-Trimis, J. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 50 | 03/30/2023 | Preventive Medicine | No | No | No | No | | Impact of the e-cigarette era on cigarette smoking among youth in the United States: A population-level study. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/04/2022 | A qualitative analysis of internal medicine residents’ experience with substance use disorder education and training: A pilot study. | 538 | 12/22/2025 | SUD | Bolshakova, M., González, J. L., Thompson, T., Schneberk, T., Sussman, S., Unger, J. B., & Bluthenthal, R. N. | Scheneberk., T | KSOM | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | 15 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Addictive Diseases | Yes | No | No | No | | A qualitative analysis of internal medicine residents’ experience with substance use disorder education and training: A pilot study. | |||||||||||||||
11/08/2022 | Adolescent and young adult response to hypothetical e-liquid flavor restrictions. | 549 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Sidhu, N. K., Lechner, W. V., Cwalina, S. N., Whitted, L., Smiley, S. L., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Cho, J., Wagener, T. L., Leventhal, A. M., & Tackett, A. P. | Barrington-Trimis, JL | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Cho, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Tackett, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 98 | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | Yes | No | No | No | | Adolescent and young adult response to hypothetical e-liquid flavor restrictions. | ||||||||||||||||
11/11/2022 | Childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence perpetration in adulthood: An investigation into proximal and distal risk factors across the life course. | 543 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Fedina, L., Hong, S., Rousson, A., Graham, L., Lee, J. O., & Herrenkohl, T. I. | Lee, J | KSOM | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Family Violence | No | No | No | No | | Childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence perpetration in adulthood: An investigation into proximal and distal risk factors across the life course. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/16/2022 | Themes in TikTok videos featuring little cigars and cigarillos: Content analysis. | 552 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Vassey, J., Donaldson, S. I., Dormanesh, A., & Allem, J.-P. | Allem, J | KSOM | 6 | 03/30/2023 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | No | No | No | No | | Themes in TikTok videos featuring little cigars and cigarillos: Content analysis. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/23/2022 | Withdrawal: A key consideration in evaluating whether highly processed foods are addictive. | 532 | 11/22/2025 | Other | Parnarouskis, L., Leventhal, A. M., Ferguson, S. G., & Gearhardt, A. N. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 12 | 03/31/2023 | Obesity Reviews | No | No | No | No | | Withdrawal: A key consideration in evaluating whether highly processed foods are addictive. | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/29/2022 | Effect of didactic training on barriers and biases to treatment of opioid use disorder: Meeting the ongoing needs of patients with opioid use disorder in the emergency department during the COVID-19 pandemic. | 560 | 01/23/2025 | Opioids | Johnson, E., Bolshakova, M., Vosooghi, A., Lam, C. N., Trotzky-Sirr, R., Bluthenthal, R., & Schneberk, T. | Trotzky-Sirr, R | KSOM | Bluthenthal, R | KSOM | Schneberk, T | KSOM | 6 | 01/27/2023 | Healthcare | Yes | No | No | No | | Effect of didactic training on barriers and biases to treatment of opioid use disorder: Meeting the ongoing needs of patients with opioid use disorder in the emergency department during the COVID-19 pandemic. | |||||||||||||||||
11/30/2022 | Ice flavor–related discussions on Twitter: Content Analysis. | 559 | 01/23/2025 | Other | Galimov, A., Vassey, J., Galstyan, E., Unger, J. B., Kirkpatrick, M. G., & Allem, J.-P. | Unger, JB | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Kirkpatrick, M | KSOM | Allem, JP | KSOM | 4 | 03/30/2023 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | Yes | No | No | No | | Ice flavor–related discussions on Twitter: Content Analysis. | |||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | E-cigarette imagery in Netflix scripted television and movies popular among young adults: A content analysis | 484 | 08/22/2025 | Tobacco | Allem, J.-P., Van Valkenburgh, S. P., Donaldson, S. I., Dormanesh, A., Kelley, T. C., & Rosenthal, E. L. | Allem, J | KSOM | 8 | 03/31/2023 | Addictive Behaviors Reports | No | No | No | No | | E-cigarette imagery in Netflix scripted television and movies popular among young adults: A content analysis | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Vaping motivations: Association of behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems with nicotine and cannabis vaping among adolescents | 490 | 08/22/2025 | Cannabis | Jacobs, W., Merianos, A., Mahabee-Gittens, & Leventhal, A. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Addictive Behaviors | No | No | No | No | | Vaping motivations: Association of behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems with nicotine and cannabis vaping among adolescents | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Early liver transplantation for severe alcohol-associated hepatitis and a history of prior liver decompensation | 500 | 08/22/2025 | Alcohol | Weinberg, E. M., Dukewich, M., Jakhete, N., Stonesifer, E., Im, G. Y., Lucey, M. R., Shetty, K., Rice, J. P., Victor, D. W., Ghobrial, M. R., Shetty, A., Rutledge, S. M., Florman, S. S., Hsu, C., Shoreibah, M., Aryan, M., Orandi, B. J., Han, H., Terrault, N., & Lee, B. P. | Terrault, N | KSOM | Lee, B | KSOM | 64 | 03/31/2023 | The American Journal of Gastroenterology | No | No | No | No | | Early liver transplantation for severe alcohol-associated hepatitis and a history of prior liver decompensation | |||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Day-to-day impact of COVID-19 and other factors associated with risk of nonfatal overdose among people who use unregulated drugs in five cities in the United States and Canada | 521 | 10/22/2025 | Other | Moallef, S., Genberg, B. L., Hayashi, K., Mehta, S. H., Kirk, G. D., Choi, J. C., DeBeck, K., Kipke, M., Moore, R. D., Baum, M. K., Shoptaw, S., Gorbach, P. M., Mustanski, B., Javanbakht, M., Siminski, S., & Milloy, M.-J. | Kipke, M | KSOM | 7 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Day-to-day impact of COVID-19 and other factors associated with risk of nonfatal overdose among people who use unregulated drugs in five cities in the United States and Canada | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Changes in sexual identity and substance use during young adulthood. | 528 | 11/22/2025 | SUD | Krueger, E. A., Repati, M. L., Harlow, A. F., Unger, J. B., Lee, J. O., Pedersen, E. R., Conn, B. M., Wong, C., Young, L. E., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., & Leventhal, A. M. | Harlow, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Lee, JO | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Conn, B | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Wong, C | KSOM | Young, L | KSOM | Barrington-Trimis, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 6 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Changes in sexual identity and substance use during young adulthood. | |||||
12/01/2022 | Intersectional stigma subgroup differences in unhealthy drinking and disordered marijuana use among black and Latino cisgender sexual minority young men. | 530 | 11/22/2025 | Layland, E. K., Bray, B. C., Kipke, M. D., & Maggs, J. L. | Kipke, M | KSOM | 18 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Intersectional stigma subgroup differences in unhealthy drinking and disordered marijuana use among black and Latino cisgender sexual minority young men. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Most recent, modal, or median heroin purchase: Does it matter when estimating market size? | 531 | 11/22/2025 | Other | Olmstead, T. A., Pacula, R. L., Alessi, S. M., & Scott, J. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 5 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Most recent, modal, or median heroin purchase: Does it matter when estimating market size? | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Changes in electronic cigarette use among U.S. adults by cigarette smoking status, socciodemographics, and subjective depression, 2019–2020. | 540 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Dai, H. D., & Leventhal, A. | Leventhal, A | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/31/2023 | Preventive Medicine Reports | No | No | No | No | | Changes in electronic cigarette use among U.S. adults by cigarette smoking status, socciodemographics, and subjective depression, 2019–2020. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Directional associations between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms from late adolescence through young adulthood. | 542 | 12/22/2025 | Cannabis | Davis, J. P., Pedersen, E. R., Tucker, J. S., Prindle, J., Dunbar, M. S., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., & D’Amico, E. J. | Davis, J | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Pedersen, E | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Dunbar, M | KSOM | D'Amico, E | KSOM | 6 | 03/31/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | Yes | No | No | No | | Directional associations between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms from late adolescence through young adulthood. | |||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Most recent, modal, or median heroin purchase: Does it matter when estimating market size? | 547 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Olmstead, T. A., Pacula, R. L., Alessi, S. M., & Scott, J. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 5 | 03/30/2023 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | No | No | No | No | | Most recent, modal, or median heroin purchase: Does it matter when estimating market size? | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Smoking prevalence among Asian Americans: Associations with education, Acculturation, and gender. | 548 | 12/22/2025 | Other | Ra, C. K., Pehlivan, N., Kim, H., Sussman, S., Unger, J. B., & Businelle, M. S. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 3 | 03/30/2023 | Preventive Medicine Reports | Yes | No | No | No | | Smoking prevalence among Asian Americans: Associations with education, Acculturation, and gender. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | Frequency of social media use and exposure to tobacco or nicotine-related content in association with e-cigarette use among youth: A cross-sectional and longitudinal survey analysis. | 553 | 12/22/2025 | Tobacco | Vassey, J., Galimov, A., Kennedy, C. J., Vogel, E. A., & Unger, J. B. | Unger, J | KSOM | 2 | 03/30/2023 | Preventive Medicine Reports | No | No | No | No | | Frequency of social media use and exposure to tobacco or nicotine-related content in association with e-cigarette use among youth: A cross-sectional and longitudinal survey analysis. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/01/2022 | A case of prolonged mania, psychosis, and severe depression after psilocybin use: Implications of increased psychedelic drug availability. | 555 | 01/23/2025 | Other | Barber, G., Nemeroff, C. B., & Siegel, S. | Siegel, S | KSOM | 43 | 03/30/2023 | American Journal of Psychiatry | No | No | No | No | | A case of prolonged mania, psychosis, and severe depression after psilocybin use: Implications of increased psychedelic drug availability. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/12/2022 | The Cannabis Policy Scale: A new research and surveillance tool for U.S. states. | 504 | 09/22/2025 | Cannabis | Blanchette, J. G., Pacula, R. L., Smart, R., Lira, M. C., Pessar, S. C., & Naimi, T. S. | Pacula, RL | Sol Price School of Public Policy | 1 | 03/31/2023 | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | No | No | No | No | | The Cannabis Policy Scale: A new research and surveillance tool for U.S. states. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/12/2022 | Egocentric network characteristics and cannabis use in a sample of young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient users. | 507 | 09/22/2025 | Cannabis | DiGuiseppi, G. T., Fedorova, E. V., Lankenau, S. E., Davis, J. P., & Wong, C. F. | Davis, JP | Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work | Wong, C | Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | | Egocentric network characteristics and cannabis use in a sample of young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient users. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12/16/2022 | Outcome of the Avid College Preparatory Program on Adolescent Health: A Randomized Trial. | 558 | 01/23/2025 | Other | Dudovitz, R. N., Chung, P. J., Dosanjh, K. K., Phillips, M., Tucker, J. S., Pentz, M. A., Biely, C., Tseng, C.-H., Galvez, A., Arellano, G., & Wong, M. D. | Pentz, MA | KSOM | 287 | 01/27/2023 | Pediatrics | No | No | No | No | | Outcome of the Avid College Preparatory Program on Adolescent Health: A Randomized Trial. | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/19/2022 | An analysis of Twitter posts about the U.S. FDA’s Menthol Ban. | 554 | 01/23/2025 | Opioids | Allem, J.-P., Donaldson, S. I., Vogel, E. A., Pang, R. D., & Unger, J. B. | Allem, J | KSOM | Pang, RD | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | Unger, J | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 7 | 01/27/2023 | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | Yes | No | No | No | | An analysis of Twitter posts about the U.S. FDA’s Menthol Ban. | |||||||||||||||||
12/20/2022 | Recovery and substitute addictions. | 562 | 01/23/2025 | Other | Sinclair, D. L., Sussman, S., Savahl, S., Florence, M., & Vanderplasschen, W. | Sussman, S | Department of Population and Public Health Sciences | 1 | 03/30/2023 | Afrika Focus | No | No | No | | Recovery and substitute addictions. |
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